Chapter Fifteen: Regret

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For a moment, I’m confused. Everything around me is so familiar and yet it’s so foreign. I recognize the lacrosse field and the bleachers. The woods outlining the field are the same woods I see on a daily basis. Yet, it’s all different. Like I’m experiencing it through someone else’s mind

That’s when I see her. She’s standing in the middle of the field, looking around at everyone with wide, terrified eyes. I stand from my seat just as her gaze diverts to a figure walking towards her. Recognizing this man, she turns to run. I run from the bleachers to pull the man away from her. To save her.

When I reach them, though, the scene changes. I’m standing in a lavender painted room and Lydia shoots up in her bed. I watch as she throws her blankets from her and cry out at the sight of the mud crusted into the sheets. She’s crying.

“Leave me alone,” she pleads.

As though appearing by magic, the man leans forward. He studies Lydia, intrigued by her reaction to him.

“Unfortunately, I can’t. At least, not yet.”

“Are you real?” Lydia asks.

“Interestingly, that question can also be answered ‘not yet.’”

Lydia squeezes her eyes together, desperately trying to block him out. I want to go to her. I want to comfort her. He leans in close to Lydia and his invasion of space frightens her even more.

“I promise everything’s going to get back to normal, Lydia,” he says and I narrow my eyes at him. I’m calling bull shit. “All you have to do is every single thing I ask.”

He runs his clawed fingers down her. Lydia takes in a deep breath to steady her nerves. I launch forward when he digs a claw into her face. One moment, I’m preparing to separate the two and the next I’m standing in a living room.

Voices from the top of the stairs draw me closer. Lydia and the man are taking the steps one at a time. He’s holding one of her hands in his own. I stand at the bottom, listening to the mostly one-sided conversation.

“Timing is key here, Lydia. It all needs to happen by the next full moon,” he says.

What needs to happen? I beg him to elaborate. To give me some clue as to what he’s asking the strawberry blonde to do. So I can save her from the danger he poses to her. It isn’t until he speaks again that I realize I’m standing as close as I can get.

“Do you know what they call the full moon in March?” he asks.

The worm moon. I remember my father mentioning it to me once.

“It’s called the worm moon,” he says, confirming my thought. “They call it that because it’s the last full moon of winter and the worms would literally crawl out of the earth as it thawed.”

Lydia and I share a horrified gasp as his appearance changes. He is covered in dirt and worms crawl over varying parts of his body. I divert my eyes only to see a pile of worms covering mine and Lydia’s bare feet. They crawl in between my toes and I shudder.

“Kind of has the feel of a rebirth, doesn’t it?”

They walk down the stairs and I follow. Out of all the things Lydia could have said or be worried about, I’m genuinely flabbergasted at the words that come out of her mouth.

“But the full moon is on Wednesday. That’s my birthday.”

The sound of voices and music fill my ears. I look out the patio doors to see an ongoing party. In the center of it, is Lydia herself. She’s handing purple colored drinks to her guests.

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