Chapter Seventeen: The Kanima's Master

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(Third Person POV)

Charlie gives herself over to her senses. She doesn’t fight them. She doesn’t try to shut them out. Instead, she puts all other thoughts out of her mind and she allows them to lead her. There’s a chill that has nothing to do with the lingering winter. There is death in the air tonight and Charlie’s feet are leading her directly to it.

She doesn’t know how long she walked for. All she knows is by the time she regained her mind and senses, she’s standing outside the police station. There are two familiar cars here; the beat up McCall car and a shiny, black Camaro. Charlie takes purposeful, long strides to the door of the station and walks inside. Death hits her like a bag a bricks and she knows the police station is littered with dead bodies. Even if they are out of her sight.

Scott watches, horrified as the blonde walks into the police station. He gapes at her disheveled hair and bleeding legs and feet. She looks around as though suddenly realizing where she is. Her wide, blue eyes lands on him and then, finally, on the gun pointing at her head. She focuses her past the barrel of the gun and studies Matt’s face.

“You’re the school counselor. What are you doing here?” Matt asks as he clicks the safety off. Scott steps forward.

“Don’t hurt her,” Scott says, reaching his hand out for her, ready to grab her at a moment’s notice.

Charlie looks around the room. If Scott is here then Stiles can’t be too far away and Derek’s car is in the parking lot but she doesn’t see the spastic boy nor the over-protective alpha. She focuses her hearing and can’t faintly make out the sounds of people talking in the holding area but it doesn’t sound like either guy. She looks at Scoot and then back to Matt.

“This is him,” she says. “The kanima’s master.”

Matt smirks. “Surprised?”

“I’ve seen surprising,” she replies and he chuckles.

“I bet you have. You’re just as woven into this mess of supernatural crap as the rest of them,” he says. Charlie shoots Scott a look. Matt interrupts her attempt at a silent conversation.

“Yeah, I know all about werewolves.”

Charlie clamps her mouth shut, not knowing what to say. Matt still has the gun pointed towards her head. Scott is still angled towards her. It’s then she notices that Scott is bleeding and she moves.

“Scott! Your side,” she says and presses her already bloodied hands against the bullet wound. Her eyes blaze angrily when she looks up at Matt.

“You shot him.”

“He’s healing,” Matt snaps and gives a humorless laugh. “You know, McCall, you don’t even realize how amazing it is that you actually are healing.”

“What happened to you?” Charlie asks. She glances up at the kid and his face darkens as he remembers whatever it is in his past that turned him into this.

“He shouldn’t have let them drink,” Matt says.

Scott and Charlie exchange confused glances before both asking, “Who?”

“Lahey!” Matt yells. “He shouldn’t have let them drink.”

“Who was drinking?” Scott asks.

“The swim team, you idiot!” Matt yells and Charlie winces at the loudness of his voice. “I didn’t know what was happening! I didn’t know they had just won state and Lahey’s letting his favorites come over to have a couple of drinks to celebrate. Who care’s that they’re only seventeen?”

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