Chapter Eighteen: Phone Calls

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A/N: Warning. This is purely filler. It's short and it's a filler chapter. I needed something between this one and the last two chapters. I apologize in advance.


(First Person/Charlie’s POV)

I stare at my legs. My fingers probe the mostly smooth skin. There are a couple of scars—probably permanent—from the night before. Other than that, my legs no longer look as though I’ve been traipsing through the woods for hours on end. My arms and hands match.

Derek’s tired eyes watch me examine my body. When he saw my eyes open, he immediately pulled back the comforters for me to see the healed skin. I look up at him trying, and failing, to hide the fear in my eyes. Ever since I came to Beacon Hills, strange things have been happening to me.

“Maybe it’s a delayed reaction from the bite?” Derek guesses.

“For seven years?”

“I don’t know,” Derek says as he rubs a hand over his face. “This is over my head.”

“Do you think Deaton might know something?” I ask.

“Or your father,” Derek says.

My phone lays, untouched, on my kitchen table. Derek’s gone to check on his betas after last night. Apparently they had a rough night, too. I knew he wanted to give me my privacy for this. Despite a few texts here and there, I haven’t actually spoken to anyone in my family. The texts have become less urgent over the past few weeks but my father has been telling me I need to call.

I pick the phone up and search through my contacts for dad’s number. Just before I hit ‘call’ I put the phone down. I run my hands through my hair for the millionth time as I imagine how this conversation is going to go. Part of me fears he’s going to demand I come home. I’m sure, by now, he knows where I am. My father knows how to track a cell phone. If I tell him what’s happening to me, there’s nothing stopping him from coming and dragging me all the way back to Arizona.

Sighing, I grab my phone once again and hit the green button. It barely finishes through the first ring when a familiar, rough voice booms into my ear. Despite my misgivings about calling, I smile. Until now, I didn’t realize just how much I missed my father’s voice.


“Hi, daddy,” I say. He breathes out a sigh of relief.

“You have got some serious explaining to do,” he says.

“I’ll explain everything. I promise I will but…” I trail off, unsure how to tell him what’s happening to me.

“But what?”

I sigh. “Something’s happening to me.”

So, I tell him about last night. I tell him about going into the Hale house. I tell him how my body seems to heal itself, leaving behind only faint scars at the deeper wounds. I tell him how, even now on the phone, I can hear the lady four doors down talking to her husband about the unpaid bills on the counter. By the time I finish, I hear silence on the other end of the phone. Saying it out loud, explaining it, Charlie can see the similarities between her budding abilities and that of a werewolf.

“Charlie, I think you should-“

“I’m not coming home,” I say firmly.


“I’m. Not. Coming. Home,” I say again and hear him sigh. “There are people here who need me.”

As the words leave my mouth, I think of Derek and Stiles and Scott who I’ve grown close to. It occurs to me that it may not be them who needs me. I might be the one who needs them. In the short time that I’ve been in Beacon Hills, I’ve grown close to the three guys. Then I think of Lydia. The girl who, like me, is something.

“I found someone like me,” I admit. When I finally responded to the endless texts and phone calls, I had only told my family that I was following a lead on my abilities. I didn’t tell them about Lydia or my dreams.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asks.

“I wanted to make sure.”

“And you’re sure now?”

I hesitate. Truthfully? No, not completely but I’m sure enough to tell him now.

“Mostly,” I say. He listens as I tell him about why I left Arizona and everything that’s happened with Lydia since my arrival. I carefully leave out the parts involving a paralyzing kanima. He doesn’t need to know about that.

“If she is like you, then this is big. This is the first clue you’ve gotten since I bit you,” he says.

I can hear the faint trace of guilt in his voice. Ever since the night he bit me and turned me into something no one can identify, he’s been buried in finding answers. It’s been a tricky subject for the two of us since then. Dad’s always trying to find answers and help me while I try to let him.

Dad’s excitement takes over the phone call. He talks and talks about being one step closer. A few times he tries to trick Beacon Hill’s out of me. I’m sure he knows where I am by this point. All cell phones have GPS tracking. He’s trying to get me to confirm it. I keep my guard up, though. The last thing Beacon Hills needs is an over-protective alpha dad combing the streets and attacking anything that so much as breathes wrong on his daughter.

Besides, I’m not sure how he would react to finding me in Derek Hale’s arms.

A/N: Papa Kavanagh will make a physical appearance on more than one occasion. It won't be in book one but it'll happen. How do you think he'll react to Derek and Charlie's relationship?

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