Chapter 18: Shadows of the Past

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*Professor Rowan's lab, Sandgem town, Sinnoh. A few days prior to the events in Split-Route town*

"But, Gramps, I can't stop now! I have to continue this journey!" Adriana argued.

"Do you not understand the gravity of the situation? You allowed your pokemon to be severely injured. She even had to spend a month in the Pokemon Centre to recover completely. Do you not care about the wellbeing of you pokemon?" Her grandfather replied with a harsh tone.

"Of course I care for them!"

"Then. it's decided. You will return to your job as my lab assistant."

"You don't understand! I can't stop now! I know I'm so close to finding them!"

Those words brought a troubled shadow upon Professor Rowan's face. "You really haven't lost hope yet, have you?" He mumbled in a hushed voice.

"Of course I haven't. I know they are somewhere out there. And I AM going to find them. That is why Gramps, I need another chance, please," she pleaded.

A deadly quiet minute passed before her grandfather finally gave his decision. "Fine... but under one condition. You will be allowed to continue your journey, and will participate in a Pokemon Contest. However... if you were to lose, you shall return to the laboratory, and continue your former job as my assistant without a complain."

*Hall in which the Pokemon Contest is being held, Split-Route Town. The final round. Current time.*

Adriana clenched the pendant of the necklace she always wore; her father's necklace. "Come on, Luna... I know you can do this... We can't give up now... W-we still haven't found them... I-I'm not ready to give up yet..." She mumbled, summoning all her will, tears threatening to fall. It appeared that Luna wasn't ready to give up, and Rowan's wish had reached her heart. A white dazzling light surrounded Luna. She was evolving. In front of Adriana no longer stood a fragile, baby-like Dratini but rather, a beautiful Dragonair with a sparking determination in her eyes, matching that of her trainer. "L-Luna...?"

"The one and only, at your service whenever you're ready~ Let's show them what we're made of, Mama!" Adriana understood Luna say due to her Pokétalking skills. "And I've got a new move that is sure to take them by surprise~"

Rowan smiled at her Pokémon's determination. "Alright, let's do this... Luna use Draco Meteor!"

It wasn't long before comets started falling from the sky towards Absol. However, that wasn't enough to defeat him. Rowan could easily see Luna's fatigue after the battle had been dragging for so long... She knew she only had one chance. It would be all or nothing. "Luna, use Dragon Rush!"

The dragon-like light figure once more engulfed Luna. At the same time, Absol's claws were being surrounded by a purple glow; he was going to use shadow claw.

Soon, both pokemon were facing each other at the centre of the arena... Both knew this would be the final move... who would win the battle?

The dazzling lights fused together for a few instances before dissipating. The sight that was revealed was the least expected one. In the centre of the spotlight laid both pokemon fainted. The round had concluded. It was an unexpected draw. This meant that both trainers were worthy of receiving the ribbon...


Adriana finished changing back into her usual outfit; the result of the contest still feeling like a dream; and that was when she spotted a new letter on her dressing table.

Adriana finished changing back into her usual outfit; the result of the contest still feeling like a dream; and that was when she spotted a new letter on her dressing table

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"Y-...y-o...y-o-u....y-o-u-r... hm... b-...b-a...b-a-t-t...b-a-t-t-l-e... eh...r-e...r-e-q-u-e....r-e-q-u-e-s-t....uhm...h-a-s... b-e-e....b-e-e-n.... A....a-c-c-e....a-c-c-e-p-t-e-d.... Comma....m...m-i-n-i...r-o...r-o-w-a-n... full stop.... Your battle request has been accepted, Mini Rowan.... Wait... that means... I can now face the legendary gym leader! Yes!" She said enthusiastically as she punched the air. "Hm... maybe I should tell Gr-...." She stopped herself as she was about to make her way to the phone.

"Hey, I'm sure you really want to face the gym battle ASAP, right? Why don't I take you to the place?" A voice startled Adriana. She turned around to find Amy.

"Y-you would do that?"


*At the entrance to Split-Route's GYM. In front of the sign, a few minutes later*

 In front of the sign, a few minutes later*

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"E-...Even... i--if... you... win the... battle,...that...doesn...doesn't mean' the...badge.....?"

"You sure are learning fast. You're right, that's what the sign says," Amy replied.

"What...what does that mean...?"

"You'll soon find out," Amy smiled, "I'll be in the nursery. Meet me there once you're done." She said before quickly leaving.

Rowan took a deep breathe before entering the GYM.

She was surprised to initially encounter a seemingly badly lit room. However, the light soon become strong as she heard a voice coming from the other end. " Welcome home, Mini Rowan. Are you ready to let the past shine?"

 Are you ready to let the past shine?"

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Pokeventure Volume 1: The Beginning of The PastWhere stories live. Discover now