Chapter 27: Midnight Summer's Dream

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*Chi's and Rowan room, New Bark Town, Johto. 7pm.*

After an eventful day, Rowan has just finished taking her a shower and is changing into her kimono. That's when she spotted that her glasses were missing.
"Chi..." she grumbled. This meant that Adriana was now forced to wear the contact lenses that she loathed. As she turned towards her bedside to get her mother's white rose hair clip, she spotted a bouquet of flowers laying there. A white rose surrounded by seven Gracidea flowers, and next to the rose, a photo of a childhood memory which brought a smile to her face.

 A white rose surrounded by seven Gracidea flowers, and next to the rose, a photo of a childhood memory which brought a smile to her face

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She hugged the photo and put it away before leaving the room to come face-to-face with Benny.

"Thank you for the flowers, Benny," she smiled.

"Flowers? What flowers?"
"Hehe.. very funny," she poked his side, "but you're the only person that calls me White Rose."

"Hehe, you caught me!~ Just.. please don't tell Chi I entered your room... or Ethan... or your grandfather for that matter....Just don't tell anyone, better... I would like to remain alive..."

"Hm... And what do I get out of this?" she smirked.

"I won't tell your grandfather about that vase you broke, and only managed to fix because my grandma had the correct paint."

"You wouldn't dare, Maples."

"Try me, Rowan."

"Ugh... fine, you win! Since when are you this good at negotiating?"

"I learnt from the best, " he winked.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Seeing as there is a piano in this hallway, why don't we play like the old days?"

"Oh, could we play Mendelssohn's A Mid-"

"-summer Night's Dream , Op 61," he finished for her, as he showed her a music score.

"Heh, have I requested it that many times?" she blushed in embarrassment.

"I did say like the old days," he teased. "After you, Miss," he offered as he pulled the stool out.

"Thank you, Sir."

Once they took their places, they began playing the tune they were both familiar with as they reminisce on the past.

"You still don't take good care of your hair, do you...? There are split ends everywhere. Why don't you allow me to give you a makeover," Rowan asked.

"No, thanks!"
"Oh, are you still mad about last time? It was ages ago! And we just kids... come on, when will you forgive me?"

"I still have glitter from last time!"

"S-so, that's why you were shining in the room?" She commented with a blush.

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