Chapter 7: OH MY ARCEUS!

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"By the way, what pokémon are you using for the pokémon contest?" Amy asks Adriana as they were reaching the day-care.

"Well, I... OH MY ARCEUS, IS THAT A BABY PIPLUP!" Adriana squeaks as they approached the water type pokémon zone. When hearing this, Aqua came out of her pokéball and joined Adriana with the squeaks. . "Don't you think that baby piplup is really adorable, Aqua?" To this Aqua responded by nodding madly.

"Those two more alike than I thought," Amy whispered to herself. "So you've got a female piplup? Would she like a baby?" Amy asked. Adriana and Aqua just stared at each other confused. "Let me rephrase, would she like to adopt the baby piplup?" Amy said after realising why they were confused. Adriana was about to turn to look at Aqua when she realised that Aqua had disappeared in thin air. Seconds later she could hear squeaks coming from the area were the baby piplup was located. "Aqua come back! You didn't wait for me, I thought we were going to have a race!" Adriana shouted.

"So does that mean that the baby piplup now has a family?" Amy asked.

"Yes, baby Yuki is now one of us," Adriana said cheerfully, "mind if I let the rest of my team out?"

"Sure, the more workers the merrier," Amy responded whispering the word workers.

"Thanks! Come out everyone and meet Yuki!" Adriana said whilst Buddy gave Amy a strange look.

"Thanks! Come out everyone and meet Yuki!" Adriana said whilst Buddy gave Amy a strange look

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"So with what pokémon are you participating in the contest?" Amy asked once more.

"Well I was planning on participating with Harmony," Adriana answered whilst looking at her meloetta playing with Yuki.

" both rounds?" Amy asked worried.

"Hopefully yes."

"I'm sorry to be the one to inform can't use legendary pokémons on the second round."

Whilst Adriana was thinking of a solution, Luna (dratini) was approaching them with pleading eyes. "I believe someone has found a solution," Amy said whilst smiling at Luna.

"Do you want to battle Luna?" Adriana asked. Luna just nodded cheerfully. "Then it's decided!" Adriana declared. When hearing this Luna jumps into Adriana's arms from pure happiness. "By any chance, could we practice somewhere?" Adriana asked Amy.

"Of course. You can practice on that area over there, you'll just need to carry some beedrill repellent but that isn't an issue, right?" Amy answered. When hearing the word beedrill the colour drained from Adriana's face.

"Are you ok? Wait, don't tell me you are afraid of beedrills?" Amy mocked. Adriana just kept quiet. "So there's still people afraid of beedrills," Amy commented with amusement. "So tell me, are you afraid of anything else?"

"I had a bad experience with an absol," Adriana says before sprinting to practice with Buddy and Harmony following her.

"So that's what she thinks of it, a bad experience?" Amy said to herself.

Pokeventure Volume 1: The Beginning of The PastWhere stories live. Discover now