Chapter 1

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"I would like to welcome on stage all of the graduating class of 2010 onto the stage" I walk onto stage with the rest of my year group. We're all so excited to be graduating high school.

Everybody claps for us as we make our way off the stage. Jaxon throws his arm around my shoulders as we walk down together. There's a dinner we can all go to tonight, but Jaxon being the 'popular' one decided we'd have our own dinner at a different restaurant with our 'cliche'.

"Come on, we don't want to be late" I roll my eyes and put my heels on.

Jaxon and I are going onto three years today. Which is another reason why he wanted to be with just me and our 'friends'. We arrive fashionably late as always. Jaxon reckons he's suppose to come late because he's the 'popular' guy.

"Wait, I forgot something at home. I'll be back" I state as he walks to the front of the restaurant.

"Okay, don't take to long" He sloppily kisses my lips and walks inside.

I walk to the car and get in, driving home. I need to grab my medication. When I take hold of the medication packet, I see it's empty. With a sigh I make my way to the shops.

"Piper?" I turn my head and smile.

Mr Price, my history teacher stands before me in his glorious suit. His brown eyes shining against his olive complexion. That golden hair I've always dreamt about running my hands through.

"Mr Price" He gives me his breathtaking smile and walks right up to me.

"You on your way to the dinner after this?" I shake my head.

"Jaxon has made other plans for our group of friends" I watch as Mr Price frowns slightly.

"Tonight would be the last night I see you in a long time" I nod my head.

"Me and everyone else in this year level" He nods his head.

"It's a small town, I might see you again sometime" I bite my lip and look to the floor.

"You wont, I'm moving tomorrow. I'll be going to university in Melbourne" I watch as all hope drains from his beautiful features.

"I'll see you later" I say after a few minutes of silence. It's not until I've paid for my things and am in my car that he calls for me.

"Piper!" I wait in my car and roll my window down.

"Here's my email, please... I don't want to lose contact with you" I smile and nod my head while taking the paper from him.

*Present day 2014*

When I moved here I thought I would hate it. New people and so on, but I have come to love it. I'm in my last year of uni. I guess I should formally introduce myself. I am Piper Smith.

"Let's go! I want to get drunk!" I roll my eyes at my room mate.

"There's never a party you don't want to go to" I say laughing.

"True, but come on!" I roll my eyes.

Jemma, she's tall and skinny with great bust and personality. She's quirky and is a baby genius who doesn't believe in sleep or study. She parties hard, and does well in all her courses. Me, I have to study and sleep. I can't function without my sleep and I can't get the grades without my study.

"I need to study" She pouts and huffs.

"Fine then, I'll go all by myself and possibly get raped" I groan in annoyance.

"Jaxon is going with you isn't he?" She nods her head.

"Then you'll be fine" She winged and walks to the door as my ex and her current boyfriend picks her up.

"Bye, have fun" I yell as she closes the door.

Finally, some peace. I log into my email and see I've got a new email. There no title and it's from a guy called Xavier Price, I wonder who that is.

I open the email and start to read.

To: Piper Smith

Hey, I don't know if you will remember me. I was your history teacher. I gave you this email the night before you left. You had said you'd email me but you never did. I got your email off your sister, I teacher her now. She's just as bright as you. I just wanted to see how you are, to know you're okay. Like I said before, I don't want to lose contact with you.

Xavier Price

I look at the email in shock. I completely forgot about emailing him. I mean, when I moved it was all so hectic and once I was settled in Jaxon and I broke up so I was dealing with that and then uni. I guess I forgot all together.

I click 'reply' and stop, I don't know what to say. I mean, it's just mean is I say I forgot about him. I mean I never forgot about him, I just forgot he have me his email.

To: Xavier Price

Hi Mr Price,
I'm sorry I didn't email you. Everything has just been so hectic, settling in, school...problems with Jaxon. Time escaped me. I'm doing well thanks and yes I'm alive. I'm in my last year for a secondary teachers degree. Fancy that ha? Everyone that I would become a nurse or doctor, the heart wants what the heart wants and mine wants to teach. How are you? Have you finally settled down with someone? How's my little rascal of a sister doing?

Piper Smith

I hesitantly click the send button and close my eyes tightly. I can't believe what I wrote to him. I mean can I be anymore weird? I sigh and turn off my laptop, I need to remember these points. I have a test tomorrow.

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