John Laurens X Reader~Shorty

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Time: Hamiltime

Request/Prompt: None

TW: Fluff?


John's POV

I walked with my mother to her friend's house for lunch. We end up at a simple house and my mother knocks at the door. A girl around my mother's age opens the door and smiles.

"Eleanor! How lovely to see you again! Is this your son?" She says engulfing my mother into a hug. My mother laughs as she pushes me forwards towards her. I look at her blushing in embarrassment.

"H-Hi," I mutter staring at the lady as she gives me a warm smile.

"Y/M/N, this is John," My mother says laughing as I hide behind her legs. The other lady smiles as a little girl with H/L, H/C hair comes down the stairs.

"Eleanor, this is Y/N. Y/N? Would you like to say hello to Eleanor and her son?" She says as the little girl waves with a grin.

"Nice to meet you two!" the little girl says with a curtsy. I wave back and my mother laughs as she pats my head and pushes me towards her.

"John? Would you like to play with Y/N while me and Y/M/N make lunch?" My mothers ask as I nod. Y/N smiles as she leads me to her bedroom. Her walls were F/C and she had tons of papers on the table. She sits on her bed and motions for me to sit with her. I sit down and she gives me a big smile.

"Hi there! I'm Y/N, oh wait you already know that, um, and I'm six!" she says putting up six fingers.

"Me too!" I tell as she raises an eyebrow.

"Are you sure? But you're shorter than me," She says standing up. She pulls me up and measures with her hand. She was at least half a head taller than me.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask her as she shakes her head.

"Mama says that if a boy is taller than you he is older than you," She says sticking out her tongue and I do the same. We laugh before she pulls me over to her bookshelf and taking out a small bottle from behind a book. She takes a sip before handing it to me.

"This is my most favourite drink in the world! Papa says it was originally Sam Adams but he got rid of something called alcohol so now I can drink it!" Y/N tells me with a wide grin. I eye at the bottle sceptically.

"Why can't you drink it with the alcohol thingie?" I ask her as she taps her chin.

"I remember mama saying it would make you dizzy and feel sick the next day," She says with a shrug.

"And why do you hide it in your bookshelf?" I ask her as she looks around. She closes the door and leans over to my ear.

"Because mama doesn't want me to drink it anymore. She says that I drink too much of it, so I have to hide it," she says as she puts her finger to her lip. I nod and take a sip of the bottle. It was cold and sweet as it ran down my throat.

"Wow! You're right Y/N! It is really good!" I say as she nods in agreement. We spend the next few minutes talking until our mothers call us for lunch. We head downstairs and ate lunch. After we ate a delicious meal of F/F, it was time for me and mother to head home. Y/N and her mother stood by the door as we were about to leave.

"Bye Y/N!" I call out to her waving.

"Bye Shorty!" She teases playfully sticking out her tongue.

Third Person POV

Time went on and you and John became very close friends. He would come over to your place everyday and you would always taunt him about being shorter than you. Even after three years as you were both nine, you were still at least half a head taller than him and would like to tease him about it. By the time you were both twelve, John and his mother both had some sad news to share with you.

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