John Laurens X Reader~Don't worry

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Time: Modern!

Request/Prompt: Welp, there's a ton if them so I'll just list the numbers, 34, 40, 54, 78. Thanks We-are-meanttobe !

TW: Angst, also if you aren't comfortable with suicide you don't have to read this chapter. Some light swearing too.

Additional INFO: So recap on stuff before this, you and John were always friends but eventually in high school you both started to drift away and then the story starts! And you just graduated high school

AN: I just want to address that suicide is a very sensitive topic and I don't want any of my lovely readers to ever think that that is the only option. If any of you guys have problems I'm always willing to be an ear for one of you guys. I love all of you amazing readers!😍❤️😘😊


Last day of the year. After all of my classes I sat in the cafeteria with my friends, Eliza, Peggy, Alexander, Hercules, Lafayette and John. They all laughed and joked as I merely sat there listening. Angelica came in surrounded by tons of people as per usual. As she sat down next to her sisters the crowd finally seemed to die off. She smiled at everyone and apologized for the crowd. 

"Oh it's no worry Angelica, you're just  a great person to be around," Eliza reassured her sister as she nodded. 

"Yeah, well tell that to the one person who probably doesn't, oh wait you can't, they don't exist!" Peggy joked as she playfully hit my arm. I winced when she did that due to all of my recent cuts but thankfully, no one noticed. They were all much to busy laughing at Peggy's joke. All of them except for John. He smiled along with the rest of them but also stared at me slightly. I awkwardly smiled back but kept quiet. Eventually we all had to split up and I walked over to the change rooms for my last period. Gym. 

----------------(Time skip!)

After gym had ended I made my way back to the change room. I stepped into the stall and locked the door before hearing the sound of high pitched girls gossiping. 

"Did you see (Y/N)? Ugh she was so pathetic today!" A voice rang out. I stopped what I was doing to get a better hear if what they were saying. 

"I know right! She couldn't even catch the dumb ball and she jumped back anytime it hit her arm! She's so pointless and useless!" Another voice agreed.  

"Ugh she's such an ugly mess! Like she must've been a mistake! She's disgusting!" A third voice rang out. 

"You're right! She's never going to be loved," I tried as hard as possible not to let any tears to slip out but a muffled choke did. The girls stopped talking and the first voice called out. 

"Hello?" I didn't respond or move until I heard the sound if their heals clicking away and the door slamming shut. Class was over so we could leave and I rushed out and grabbed my bag. I ran past the doors of the school with tears streaming down my face. This last year has been horrible. I pick up the pace as I dash to my apartment that I share with a roommate. As I pull open the door I make a B-line for the bathroom and lock the door. After a few minutes of panting I collapse on the floor bawling out in tears. 

"Why me?" I ask myself through the heavy tears. I pull up the sleeves if my (F/C) shirt and stare at all of the scars.  Big ones, small ones, old ones, fresh ones, they all adorned on my skin. I rub the tears that came falling from my eyes and tried to look into the mirror. I stared at myself and the words haunted my head. 

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