Philip X Reader~Hate leads up to a lot of different things (Part 2)

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Time: Hamiltime

Request/Prompt: #36-"About the's yours" @that-weird-kid

TW: Light swearing and Hamilton ranting about you and Jefferson

Additional INFO: You are Thomas Jefferson's child and you and Philip are "enemies" but then you got pregnant with his child and well...WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST READ THE FIRST PART?!

(Y/S/S)= Your shoe size.

AN: Yay! Part two is finally out! Also I lied. This is probably going to take at least four or five chapters.



"Congratulations Ms. Jefferson, you're pregnant."

What am I going to tell father?

"So, I recently went to the doctors, and...I'm pregnant."

"About the's yours."

"What are we going to tell our fathers?" Philip asks me as I shake my head.

"I'm not sure yet, But I guess we'll find out sooner our later-" I start to say before a voice interrupts me.

"(Y/N) Jefferson... You are in so much trouble..."



I jerk my head towards the door and thankfully to my relief, it was simply my best friend Theodosia Burr.

"Oh, thank god," I mumble to myself.

Theodosia walks over to me and shakes me by the shoulders. "How could you not tell me?!" She exclaims in a shocked voice.

"Well I did just find out today and-wait, how did you find out?" I ask in confusion.

She shrugs before telling me. "Well I am friends with your doctor's son and he told me he had a visit from a Jefferson and you're the only Jefferson so I had to assume it was you."

"Ok but how did you know that (Y/N) was here?" Philip butts in. Theo turns her attention towards Philip before scoffing.

"Oh come on! Who else in this town wears (Y/S/S) and has a J marking at the bottom?" She says with an eye roll. I look at the bottom of my shoe and notice that they do a have a fancy J engraved at the sole.

"Fair enough," he admits with a shrug.

I turn my attention back to Theo and then ask her a question, "Do you know if anyone else knows of this? Because I would really rather you not tell anyone."

She shakes her head before pointing at me and Philip. "As far as I'm concerned, the only people who know of this are you, him, and the doctor and his son."

I sigh in relief before shaking my head and glancing towards Philip. He was looking down towards his feet and fiddling his fingers, seeming distracted.

"Philip?" I question as he jerks his head up.

"Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking about... stuff."

I lock eyes with Theo and she seems to get the hint as she leaves room with a curt goodbye. I turn myself to face Philip. "Hey, listen. I know this isn't easy for either of us. Both our fathers would definitely kill us if we were to tell them, so I think it's best if I just raise this child on my own."

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