Thomas Jefferson X Reader~Changed

4.2K 82 96

Time: Modern AU 

Request/Prompt: "I never meant to hurt you" thanks @JoannaLlama

TW: Cussing, Bullying, Abuse sort of? Sorry this is so long btw haha you all probably hate me. This is 2000+ words 

Additional INFO: So you knew Thomas Jeffershit as a child and you two were besties until you had to move because of your fathers work. But now you've moved back to America and that's all you really need to know

(L/F/S)= least favourite subject

(F/H/S)= favourite hairstyle 

AN: OMG WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 30K GAHH!!! Thank you all so much for your love and support! I love seeing all your votes and reading you're comments are probably my favourite thing to do! So don't be afraid to comment something funny or dumb or sad because i love reading them! I know I haven't been posting but I might be able to get another chapter out either next week or the week after that. Thank you all again! 


Third Person POV

Thomas Jefferson and (Y/N) (Y/L/N).

The two were as close as two peas in a pod. 

Knowing each other almost since birth, the two were inseparable and were hardly ever spotted without one another. 

The two five year olds were best friends. 

(Y/N) loved hanging out with Thomas, his poofy hair and sassy attitude. Thomas loved spending time with the (H/C) girl due to her compassion and hilarious comebacks. 

Some might've even said the two were practically soulmates but of course the two didn't know what that meant. They loved each other until the sun died. 

People would say that those two kids had more of a love life than most teenagers.

They liked to have fake debates with each other, staying at each others places until midnight, and telling each other everything. "Tommy?" the young girl asked, her fingers making funny shapes. 

"Yeah (Y/N)?" he asked, laughing as she managed to make a strange looking spider with her hands. 

"We're going to bestie's forever right?" she pipped out as he nodded. 

He wrapped his pinkie finger around hers. "Pinkie promise. I'll love you forever and ever," he reassured her as she smiled sweetly. 

"I'll love you forever too Tommy. If anything I'll love you five-ever!" the two laughed at each other before continuing to be the strange kids they were. 

||Time Skip but like not really||

(Y/N) loved America. She loved her friends, her school and everything. Never did the thought of leaving ever come to mind. 

Yet that wasn't the case as (Y/N) and her family had to move to London. Tears filling up her (e/c) eyes. "But I don't wanna go mommy! Please! Lemme stay here with Tommy and Angie!" she begged, pulling on the sleeve of her mothers sweater. 

"(Y/N), we have to leave. You can go say goodbye to your friends but nothing you say can change the fact that we're moving," her mother told her, as she sighed. 

(Y/N) wanted to cry. That wasn't fair! But she knew that if she didn't say goodbye now, she wouldn't get a chance to do it later.

Knocking on the heavy oak door, she waited for someone to open the door. Thomas was the one how opened it, a broad smile appearing on his face. "(Y/N)! I didn't know you were coming-" 

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