three | absolutely

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while driving home after school i kept thinking of the future. what's going to happen with max? we don't even speak. it's not like we're friends in any way. we were both drunk that night.

that evil night.

max has always ignored or picked on me, making this situation even worse. everyone else would think their blessed to have a child with max mills, after all he is the leader of the school. just not me. never in a million years would i have wished for this.


once home i walked inside to see my mum working on her laptop. "darling! how was your day?" she asked sweetly. "it was good," i replied, setting my stuff down.

"your father and i are going out tonight if that's okay," she said. i nodded. "that's fine. i'd like some alone time," i said with a fake laugh, although she didn't notice the fake tone.

she nodded and i walked up to my room. i feel horrible. how will i tell them? my mum and dad had me at 27, not 17 so it's not like they're going to understand.

i got into some shorts and a sweatshirt to be more comfortable then turned on some netflix since i can't really do anything active anymore.

i don't get how max and i are going to do this. i don't even have his number. parents who don't even know eachother..i feel horrible for this child.


a little while later, after my parents had left, i got a text from a random number.

hey. is this grace simon ?

yeah. who's this?

max mills

oh. do you need something?

we need to talk

okay. you can come over if you'd like. my parents aren't here so we don't have to worry about them hearing anything.

k thanks

yw. how'd you get my #?

dw about it

okay? do you need the address?

nah, i know where it is

um okay?


great. max mills is coming over here to talk. it's definitely about the baby. i mean he doesn't affiliate with me any other time. how he got my number, i'm still confused on, but i guess he cared enough to ask someone for my phone number. max mills asking for grace simon's number is rare anyway.

a few minutes later, i heard a knock at the door.

i hadn't bothered changing clothes because it's max and i'm not trying to impress him in any way possible. so i was wearing a sweatshirt and shorts with long fuzzy socks and a messy bun to talk to max mills. this probably never happens.


i walked downstairs and opened the door. "hey," he awkwardly said immediately. woah okay. "hi," i replied. "come in," i politely said. "wow. nice house," he spoke out, looking around. i laughed a little. "thanks. you want some food or something. all of my cravings have seriously been kicking in," i said, walking over to the kitchen and gesturing towards the junk food in the pantry.

he laughed a slight bit. wow. never seen that before. "nah, i'm good. i just need to say a few things," he said, looking at me seriously.

i nodded and led him over to the couch where we could talk yet be comfortable. i sat indian-style facing him while he sat a few inches away from me, facing me and sitting kind of sideways.

"okay. so today i was really short with you. i'm sorry first of all. i'm just scared. it's weird, i know, for me, max mills, to be scared, but this is huge. i just wanted to tell you that i actually do wanna be a part of our child's life. and i don't want to leave him...or her, alone because i couldn't bear it." he vented and sighed at the end.

wow. max mills: scared, venting, worried, nice, sincere? when did this start happening?

i thought for a few seconds. "i'd love that. and i know it's scary. i mean, i don't even know what i'm doing. now there's a little 'us' inside of me and i don't know what to do, how to tell my parents, how to parent. i mean, i'm going to be a horrible mum. plus, we don't even talk. how's the baby going to grow up with two non-communicating parents?" i started venting.

no no no. i can not be venting to max. max of all people.

he nodded in agreement.

"you're not going to be a bad mum and i wanted to talk about that too.." he said. i nodded and waited for him to continue.

"i wanted to ask if we could maybe work on talking to eachother. even in public. and if we could get a long for our baby," he said.

i smiled. 'our'

i nodded and he smiled a little.

"that'd be great. are you sure you want to risk your reputation though?" i asked, scared he hadn't thought it through.

he quickly replied to my surprise. "absolutely."

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