sixteen | guessing

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mel got to the door before i could, which was a bad mishap.

"hey gra-oh..mel?" max said, expecting me, but seeing mel first. from the stairs, i saw her give them both a short smile. "she's not here," she said with a monotoned expression. " but i-" max began to say as she then began to shut the door.

i quickly walked over and grabbed the door, pushing her back and opening it. "sorry about that," i said, eyeing mel, then looking at max. i wanted to look into his eyes, but i couldn't. there was no possible way to.

"hey..grace. can we talk?" he asked, looking at me. i thought for a second then nodded. "of-of course," i replied, letting both max and, harvey who was silent, inside. max stood quietly beside me while i closed the door behind harvey. mel had gone off somewhere, probably annoyed that i'd accepted to talk to max after what happened.

harvey walked into the kitchen. i heard him start rummaging in my cabinets and food stock. max rolled his eyes. "harvey!" he said in annoyance. "i'm sorry! i stress eat!" harvey yelled back to max from the kitchen. max just breathed out— calming down.

a few seconds later, max walked to the couch and sat, motioning for me to sit in front of him. i sat down as he watched me take my place. feeling his eyes on me gave me a sensation unexplainable by words. i could only feel little thumps of different emotions.

we sat in silence for a few long moments, with me staring at the ground, and him staring at me.

"grace. i'm sorry," max said, his voice straining with guilt. "i always mess these things up. i always make it hard on other people when i don't know why. even when everything's perfect, i just screw it up.. and i hate this. i hate whatever's going on right now. i know i'm to blame for your hurt. and it just kills me that now you can't even look at me. you can't even glance up because if you do, you'll get hurt again, and i'm sorry for giving you that feeling. i'm so, so sorry." he breathed out for a moment.

"please just look at me grace..please," he said, so much pain was in his voice. he placed a hand on my knee, pleading for me to simply look at him—and i gave in.

i finally looked up at him again. i looked into his eyes and saw them gleaming with tears. no tears had left his eyes because he wanted to seem strong, but he was in such a vulnerable state, and so was i. i knew i'd fallen for him yet again.

i searched his face with my eyes. when my eyes met his again, he whispered, "i'm sorry." i nodded and sucked in a breath. "i know," i whispered back. "max, i'm in constant confusion when i'm with you. i'm left guessing what'll happen next, when i know for a fact, i'm always going to come back to you..and it hurts, but i cant stop myself from giving in every time something happens. you-you have this effect where people can't help but love you, and i'm one of those people," i said to him.

he looked away and blinked a couple of times to get rid of the tears. he then looked back and met my eyes again. he just sat there, searching my face. "max?" i asked, confused beyond measure. "max are you-" i started to say before he cut me off with one of his kisses that you crave, that i crave.

it ended after a few seconds, leaving me bewildered. he smiled gently at my confusion. "wh-what was that for?" i asked, inhaling softly after he'd taken my breath away. "just to keep you guessing," he replied, smirking a little. i rolled my eyes and smiled back.

just to keep me guessing..

give me love ✧ max millsWhere stories live. Discover now