fifteen | silence

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harvey woke me with a pillow against my head. "what do you want?" i groaned and looked at him. "you're going to see grace today," he replied, going into my bathroom and turning my shower on.

"isn't it a little early?" i asked, rubbing my eyes and rubbing my hands through my morning hair. he walked out of the bathroom and shook his head. "it's only ten. she's probably up already," he answered, walking off out of my room and into his.

i sighed. seeing grace again would probably put us both through some sort of torture, and i didn't want to hurt her anymore than i already had. but then again, i needed to apologize..and if i didn't go, harvey would murder me before i had another chance to.


g r a c e

morning sickness. again.

morning sickness. for the sixth month in a row.

that's right. wow. six months with a set of mini max's inside of me. that sounds utterly weird.


i got up and decided to eat ice cream. i mean, what's the point in being healthy anymore? while grabbing the carton of frozen goodness out of my freezer, i thought about yesterday. i thought so hard about everything because i hadn't had the chance to think about anything.

even while eating the ice cream, i thought about anything that decided to pop into my head. soon, i finished and was throwing the empty carton away when my doorbell rang. i immediately thought about how horrible i looked. i had no makeup on, joggers, a huge sweatshirt, and my hair was in a messy bun.

rolling my eyes, i walked to the door and sighed, knowing who it was.

as i opened the door, a face stood there that wasn't max's. it was mel. "mel? what are you doing here?" i asked, shocked she'd actually come over. she suddenly hugged me without any words explaining anything. i, of course, hugged her back. she pulled away after a few seconds and looked at me. "i'm so sorry for leaving you to deal with everything by yourself. that's not what a friend is supposed to do, so i don't deserve much of an acceptance to my apology, but i figured i should tell you that you're never gonna be alone because i'm always here." she'd apologized after months of no communication, yet i did, in fact, accept it.


"twins?!" mel exclaimed, wide-eyed and amazed. i nodded and laughed a little. "graceeee! that's amazing!" she said. "how long has it been?" she asked. "six months," i replied shyly. she smiled. "wow. six months. that's insaneee," she commented, making me laugh.

"wait! six months means you should know what they are. what are they?" she suddenly exclaimed. "they're both boys," i said with a small smile on my lips. mel gasped. "just like max and harvey!" she stated cheerfully. i nodded. "just like them," i repeated, only using pronouns for both max and harvey's recognition.

"so are you and max..a thing?" she asked after a few short moments of peaceful silence. i looked down and thought for a second. then i looked back up and replied with, "i don't know."

mel sat there, across from me, on my bed, and searched for something to say that would reassure me about everything. i was also searching for a few hidden words of settlement and peace, but i couldn't find them.

my mind was a blank space. it was a vast world of trial and error, in which i would try to reason with anything that popped into my mind at any given moment. it gave me false hope and a loss for words in moments as precious as these.

"um..grace?" mel suddenly said, catching my attention. i looked over at her to see that she was now looking out of my window through my blinds. she had one leg on the bed and one off, leaning in the direction of my window.

"yeah?" i asked, getting up and standing beside her oddly placed figure. i peered out of the window and looked down towards my driveway.

"are you expecting anyone?" she asked, motioning to the car parked in front of my house, the car i knew too well. " i'm not." i stated, watching two people step out of the car and walk up to my front door.

max and harvey

then there were three knocks, filling the silence.


ohh my goshhh. school started and i've been so busy! i'm literally so sorry! i feel horrible that i haven't updated in so long.

please forgive me and hopefully understand that i've had literally no time to chill, even on weekends. plus i have do community service so i'm even more busy. i don't even have time for myself anymore.

again, i'm sorry, and i hope you enjoyed the story!

it seems as though mel and grace have bonded again, but what will happen when max appears at grace's door?

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