twenty one | lust

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"WHY ARE YOU SO ANNOYING?" someone's voice boomed into my mind.

my eyes shot open. sleep was gone, i was officially awake. 

"me? have you ever taken a moment to listen to yourself speak?" another voice bickered back.

i rolled my eyes because of the sudden wake up call, one that i didn't remember asking for in the first place. 

i rolled onto my side and checked my phone, my eyes repetitively blinking to wake myself up further. 9:24 am. i got up and stretched, looking around at the familiar grey walls with shelves occupied by various different hats and pictures. i then walked into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth to make myself feel better. 

once i was done in the bathroom, i threw on a t shirt and opened the bedroom door. there were voices still speaking downstairs, of course i knew exactly who it was. i made my way downstairs, the smell of bacon filling the air around me.

i walked into the living room and gingerly rubbed my eyes as they looked at me. 

harvey took a few moments to look up from the stove and then beamed at me. "rise and shine!" i laughed once then made my way to the fridge to grab the apple juice and pour myself a glass. after pouring it, i went over to stand by max at the counter. he opened his arms once i was near him and i practically fell into them. "good morning grace," he softly said, kissing the top of my head. 

"wow guys. isn't it crazy? HARVEY'S. STILL. HERE." harvey said, rolling his eyes as he stuck his hand into his lucky charms box. he then threw a handful in his mouth and turned back to cooking the bacon. i laughed. "sorry harvey," i said, letting go of max and rubbing my eyes slowly. 

"whatever. i don't even care. at all. not important to me. nope. harvey could care less about your rude pda. not even a problem. i really don't have a care in the world," he rambled back, making me laugh a little. 

max tilted his phone towards me and spoke, "look at this car seat. it has the best reviews out of all of them. what do you think?" i smiled to myself. he's taking the time to shop for the twins. i looked down at the picture and examined the car seat. "yeah that one's nice," i said with pleasure. i could care less what the car seat looks like, all i cared about was the intention max was showing through this. "okay good, i'll order two," he said, adding them to his cart. i nodded and walked over to examine harvey's cooking. 

he glanced at me as i appeared beside him, my stomach stopping me from fully being beside him because of it pressing against the counter. "you know, ever since you started staying over, i think i've become a master chef." i pretended to judge the bacon frying in the pan. he looked from me to the bacon about three times before i nodded once. "i think i can agree with you harvey," i said nudging his shoulder and smiling a little. he laughed once, really loudly. "there's absolutely no way you couldn't agree with me. max on the other hand? i don't think anyone could agree with him. he's just so..." he glanced at max then turned back to me, with a playfully disgusted look on his face. 

i looked at max as he rolled his eyes. "harvey has a point," i said with a playful smile. i then winced and placed a hand on my belly as my other hand shot out and grabbed onto the counter. harvey looked over with concern and grabbed one of my arms as a reflex. "are you okay?" he asked, looking from me to where my hand was placed on my stomach. the next second, max was at my other side, touching my stomach and the lower part of my back for support. "what's wrong?" he said, worry clouding his expression. 

"i'm fine. they just decided to kick me at the same time and i wasn't expecting it," i said with a small laugh, breathing out. harvey's hand lingered on my arm for a second before he removed it, clearly glad i was okay. max didn't move, instead he kissed my cheek and kept his hand over mine for a minute before moving it to the other side of my belly to feel them kick. i've never felt this kind of love before. for max. for my babies. 

another set of four tiny feet hit my belly, making me gasp for a second then smile. max felt it and grinned. "they're giving mum a hard time this morning," i said looking down at max's hands. he chuckled as they did it again, his smiled not faltering even a little bit. 

i have been over at their house constantly. almost every day. i sleep over almost every night. i think we've all gotten used to it. even their parents and younger siblings are used to it by now. i'm almost 7 months pregnant and am absolutely huge. i love the fact that i'm having twins with max, but the only partially annoying think about it is that i feel like a whale all of the time.

never in a hundred thousand million years would i have thought i would be homeschooled and pregnant with max mills' twins. but i don't think i would trade it for the world.  

i'm now standing in max's room in front of him as he sits on the bed, looking up at me. i'm filled with so many different emotions as he sits there with admiration in his eyes. 




and for some reason, a shit ton of lust. 

maybe it's the hormones. or maybe it's the way he's looking at me. but my heart is overflowing with feelings while my head is replaying our hook up 7 months ago. 

he lifts my, well, HIS t shirt that i threw on this morning over my stomach and kisses it twice. i feel like he can see right through me, like i am glass to him. i just wonder if he feels it too. i wonder if he feels the love. the happiness. the joy. 

i wonder, in this moment, most of all if he feels the lust. 


hey hehehe i know everyone absolutely hates me. i do too don't worry! 

i'll be honest and say that i grew out of my wattpad phase for TWO YEARS. but i felt bad and wanted to write because it makes me happy.

i doubt anyone will read this because again it's been T W O years, but yeah if you do read it i hope you enjoyed! x 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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