03. Oakenshield

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To Aninth, it felt as though in the next moment, all the Dwarves were finished eating and everyone began to vacate the dining room, leaving it a mess

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To Aninth, it felt as though in the next moment, all the Dwarves were finished eating and everyone began to vacate the dining room, leaving it a mess. Not one to sit amongst filth, Aninth too, vacated the dining room.

As she moved from one room to the next, she caught sight of something that caused a smirk to grow on her face. The dishes were flying down the hallway, going from the hands of the blond Dwarf who had given out the ale, to another young, dark-haired Dwarf, who was then tossing them into the kitchen. Bilbo was putting up quite the protest.

"Excuse me, that's my mother's West Farthing pottery. It's over a hundred years old!"

Aninth felt movement around her neck as Ryvniss stretched out as he made his way from laying around her neck to sitting on her shoulder. "Awake now, are you?" she asked him, looking over at him.

"This Company is quite noisy," he reminded her.

"You were the one that told me to come," she answered.

Smirking still, Aninth was still looking down when she took a step forward and bumped right into someone. The other person reached out and gripped her arm so they both wouldn't fall.

"Sorry," they said and when Aninth looked up, she realized it was the other woman that had been at the table. That was when she noticed the woman's eyes on Ryvniss and she smiled.

"His name is Ryvniss," Aninth explained, "The Dark, The Swift and The Stubborn." She didn't miss the huff he gave at the last title.

"Ryvniss?" she said with a cocked brow. "Does it have a meaning?"

Aninth shrugged in response, a smirk pulling onto her lips. "I just like the name."

"Nothing wrong with a name with no meaning," she said. "It gives mystery, I think."

"I'm Aninth, Champion of Dragons, Protector of Creatures, Destroyer of Men and the last of the Dragonkin," she said whilst extending her hand out towards the fellow blonde. "It has no meaning either."

She chuckled and grasped her hand, giving it a shake. "Nor does mine. My name is Ygritte, though I'm sure you probably already knew my name when my father recruited you."

"Gandalf is your father?" Aninth's eyes widened in surprise.

"Or not," Ygritte said, some light laughter slipping past her lips. "I do believe he doesn't speak of me. No one seems to know who I am in this Company."

Their attention was suddenly drawn away from each other as the dwarves burst out into song whilst throwing around the dirty utensils and dishes.

"Blunt the knives, bend the forks, smash the bottles and burn the corks, chip the glasses and crack the plates -- that's what Bilbo Baggins hates!"

OF FIRE & BLOOD, thorin oakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now