07. Flurgaburburahobbit

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While everyone hid in the trees waiting for the right moment to charge the trolls, Aninth climbed up one of the trees that overlooked their camp and scoped out the area

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While everyone hid in the trees waiting for the right moment to charge the trolls, Aninth climbed up one of the trees that overlooked their camp and scoped out the area. There were just the three Trolls, the four horses penned up, the large campfire and the pot of stew over it.

She looked at Ryvniss and then out at the fire, an idea forming in her mind. She quickly whispered it to him and then looked once more down at everyone. Kili had just told the Trolls to let Bilbo go to which they had responded by throwing Bilbo at him.

While Kili and Bilbo fell to the ground in a heap, everyone else charged out of the bush at the Trolls, shouting and wielding their weapons. A fight immediately began that was hard enough to follow from the outside, let alone from inside.

Aninth launched herself out of the tree, sword in one hand. She dragged her sword down one of the Trolls' backs as she fell to the ground before landing in a crouch and standing back up. The fire crackled on her right and she turned to find another Troll to start fighting.

The fight was pure chaos, Dwarves fighting whatever Troll came close enough to them while jumping and dodging attacks that came at them. When a Troll stepped too close to the fire, Ryvniss blew it at their feet from his position inside the fire.

As the battle continued, it was hard to keep track of who was where or what they were doing. At one point, as she was turning around, she collided with something, or rather someone. Ygritte.

Now standing at Ygritte's side, the two blondes exchanged a glance before dashing forward. They dodged and swung, and eventually, when she was backhanded by a Troll, she rolled deftly to her feet as she noticed everyone else gathering in the same area. They had all been herded over to the one spot so that they could be shown something.

"No," Ygritte said, sounding breathless.  

"Bilbo!" Kili cried, rushing forward.

"Don't!" Thorin instructed, holding an arm out to stop Kili.

Two of the Trolls were holding Bilbo up with his arms and legs stretched out. Bilbo looked terrified, and Aninth was scared for him. She itched to rush forward and get them to drop him, but if she wasn't quick enough... she didn't even want to think of what would happen to Bilbo.

"Lay down your arms, or we'll rip his off," one of the Trolls commanded.

Thorin scowled at the Trolls, but Aninth saw him lock eyes with Bilbo and see how scared the Hobbit really was. He sighed as he stabbed his sword into the dirt. Everyone else slowly dropped their own weapons till they were all defenceless.

With the Trolls' backs turned, Aninth saw Ryvniss skitter off into the bushes where he wouldn't be seen. He knew her plan, and it would work as long as he wasn't seen.

OF FIRE & BLOOD, thorin oakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now