16. Thunder Battle

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Thunder Battle

Heavy rain fell down on them as the Company made their way through the mountains

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Heavy rain fell down on them as the Company made their way through the mountains. All Aninth could think was that their luck must have run out after leaving Rivendell because rain was the opposite of what you wanted when you were climbing across narrow ledges on what was now slippery rock. Ryvniss had hidden himself in her bag once more to escape the rain.

Thunder rumbled in the sky overhead, always closely followed by a flash of lightning in the distance. If it hadn't been for the treacherous path that they followed and the cold that had seeped into her very bones, Aninth might have almost enjoyed the storm.

Ahead, Thorin called for them all to hold on. If only there was something to grasp, Aninth thought bitterly, everything is wet. She kept one hand against the rock to her left, though, more to make her feel better than to actually help at all.

She heard a shout and looked up to see Bilbo leaning dangerously over the edge of the ledge they were walking on. Aninth's eyes widened in alarm, but before she could react, Ygritte reached out and grabbed him, pulling him back against her chest. The blonde let out a sigh of relief that they hadn't lost Bilbo.

"We must find shelter!" Thorin shouted from up ahead.

"Look out!" Dwalin yelled.

They all turned their attention forward, seeing a massive boulder flying at them. Aninth didn't have time to wonder how a boulder that big was flying through the air because it crashed into the rock above their heads and splintered into smaller pieces. Those smaller pieces than began to fall down over their heads.

Everyone pressed themselves back against the rocks to try and shield themselves from the falling debris. Aninth felt the rush of air as the larger chunks of rocks fell past her.

"This is no thunderstorm," Balin said, stepping forward once the rocks had mostly stopped falling, "it's a thunder battle! Look!"

Aninth turned her eyes to where Balin was pointing to, squinting to see through the rain. In the distance, she could make out a large shape that looked like it was made out of the rock. Her heart stopped in her chest as she watched it rip out a chunk of rock from the mountain and turn towards them.

"Well, bless me," Bofur said, stepping up to the edge, "the legends are true. Giants! Stone Giants!"

The Stone Giant threw the chunk of the mountain in his hand past them and they followed it's trajectory. It hit another of the Stone Giants as it was attempting to get up, knocking him back down again.

"Take cover, you fool!" Thorin shouted to Bofur before Kili pulled him back.

"Hold on!" someone yelled.

Flattening themselves against the rock once more, Aninth watched in horror as their narrow ledge began to crumble away. She idly wondered if their situation could get any worse.

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