Chapter 5: Prizes and Motives?

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I stand in the shower terrified. I'm still shaking from the execution. The tears that Declan were crying just hit me hard. I turn the shower off, wrapping a towel around my body. I step out and the camera zooms in on me. "Real nice." I say picking up my PJ's. We were each given a pair of PJ's so we don't wear the same clothes 24/7. I was given a green t-shirt and lounge pants. I change and lie in bed, my hair soaking wet. I hug my pillow, horrified about what had happened. I fall asleep within minutes.

I wake up from a flashback of Rous's body and Declan's blood splatters. "I'm getting tea or something to calm me..." I mumble as I slide my sneakers on. I open my doors, grabbing my keys yawning. I walk into the Dining Hall to see everyone sitting there. "You guys too Huh?" I say walking into the kitchen. I begin making tea when I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around my stomach. I jump and a hand covers my mouth. "Hi princess.." Mononeko purrs in my ear. I blush and he let's go. I finish making my tea and walk out with him. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. "To tired to care." I sip my tea, sitting next to Wild. "So how you guys sleeping?" Mononeko chuckles. "Terribly." Simple mumbles. "Well! You all will get your prizes tomorrow. For now! Your motive." He says smiling. "Motive...?" I begin. He tosses papers with writing on it into the air. I grab the one with my name on it. 'Your worst fears are Slenderman and the dark.' I look up at Mononeko. "Don't want those to come true do ya?" Mononeko says. "Bullshit you can't make mine come true!" I say. The lights go out. "Oh yeah? Good job princess cause your fears are about to be revealed!" Mononeko whispers in my ear. Suddenly I'm standing up. "What the hell..." I begin when I hear static noises. I turn to see Slenderman standing there and he grabs me. I scream and kick my legs as he lifts me up.

The lights come on and I'm laying on the floor. "Now. I can't make anything happen! There's your proof!" Mononeko says. "Lily! Oh crap!" Simple jumps over the table and runs over to me. "D-Don't hurt me.." I say covering my head. He hugs me sighing. "Mononeko is a bastard..." Simple mumbles. I nod. He helps me up and Mononeko laughs. "That scare was AMAZING!" Mononeko says. Simple glares at him and he sits me in my chair. "Well looks like someone won't sleep tonight..." Mary says. "Well you all should get some sleep! I'll make your fears come true in a few days! So start killing!" Mononeko vanishes. "Come on Lily let's get you to bed..." Anna says. I slowly nod standing up and walking with Anna and Simple. "To us you just vanished and reappeared..." Anna says looking at me. "Really? It looked like you all vanished and I was alone..." I say shaking. "Then Slender just came and-" I say shaking more. Simple covers my my mouth with his hand. "It's okay.." He says opening my door. "Now try and get some sleep." He says sitting me on the bed. I nod and they shut the door. I lie in my bed as I see Slender's face in my mind. "Ugh god Damn't why me!" I yell.


I get out of bed with no sleep. Mononeko's announcement plays and I change into my normal clothes. I exit the room walking to the Dining Hall. I'm the first person there. More people pile in the lunch room. "Hey how'd ya sleep?" Cheesy asks. "I didn't sleep." I yawn. "Wow really? It scared you that badly..." Scar sighs. "Good morning students! Did you have a good night's sleep?" Mononeko appears. "No." I say. "I know you didn't princess. I'm asking everyone else." He chuckles. "Yeah we slept fine." Raptor says. "Well ready to see your prize?" Mononeko says standing me up. "Ugh what is it!" I groan. He drags me out of the room. "Come on everyone!" He says. I hear everyone getting up and see them following. I turn my head to see the stairs have become available. Mononeko drags me up the stairs and drops me as soon as we get to the top. Scar helps me up and Mononeko laughs. "Welcome to the second floor!" Mononeko says laughing. "Go and explore!" He vanishes. "I hate him so much..." I hold my head sighing. "Let's go into groups." Stiffy says looking around at us all. "Good idea.." Athena says. I decided to go with Simple, Mango, and Cheesy. I open a door and see we're in a library.

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