Chapter 9: Third Floor and Game Room!

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I lie in my bed, covers over my head. It feels like I've been here for hours. 4 people are dead. Two killed. Two executed. My eyes water as I think about it. I hear knocking at the door. "Lily...?" It's Anna. "Lily come out..." Simple. "Lily..." Xeo. I sit there in deep thought, trying to figure out why. "Hold on I got this." Mononeko? I feel the cover being pulled off my face. "Good Afternoon princess!" Mononeko says. I look at him with dark circle under my eyes. "Princess you can't sit here forever!" He says opening my door. A few people step inside. My hair is a mess, my eyes have dark circles and my eyes are puffy. "Lily..." Mango says. "What's the point.... If I step outside I'll be killed." I sigh. Mango sits on the side of my bed. "No you won't... We're not gonna kill anyone. Everyone is okay..." Mango says. "They all have hope." She smiles. I look up at her, quickly looking down at my sheets, trying to hide my pain. "Lily get up. At least show everyone you're alive..." Xeo sighs. Mononeko leaves us alone, not wanting to interfere. Anna grabs my hand trying to move me. "You need... to have...more...hope!" Anna pulls my arm. Xeo grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder sighing. "You forced me to do this." He says. Simple and Anna are laughing and Mango sighs. 

 I flail my arms trying to get free so I can lay in bed. Xeo carries me into the dining hall where everyone is chatting. Once they see me they stop. "Lily..." Wild begins. Xeo sets me down and I look away from everyone. "Lily... It's okay.. No one's gonna die..." Mary tries to help. "Yeah! I mean... We're all good... Right?" Cheesy asks and everyone nods. I stand there in silence. "My god Lily you look like you're gonna pass out!" Anna says holding me up. "You were up all night again...?" Scar asks. I nod slowly. Everyone sighs. "We all have our ways of handling the deaths..." Raptor says shaking her head. Mononeko appears. "Okay guys! Now that everyone is up... We can go explore the third floor!" Mononeko says. I turn and begin walking toward the stairs. It takes everyone a few moments to follow. 

 We get to the third floor and Mononeko purrs. "Well! I'll leave you to explore!" Mononeko says vanishing like he always does. "Can I go back to bed now...?" I yawn. "No." Everyone says harshly causing me to groan. Simple and Anna drag me with Swift and Cheesy to explore. "Come on! We gotta find out what's here!" Swift smiles. We enter a room and I look around. Suddenly I'm not so tired. "We have a game room!" I smile, running up to a street fighter machine, hugging it tightly. The others stand at the door laughing. "She woke up really quick!" Cheesy smiles. "Can we play?!" I ask. "No not yet kid." Simple sighs. "We need to finish exploring and talk about what we found! Remember?" Anna pulls me away from the street fighter machine. "NOOOO!" I whine. "I wanna play video games!" I whine as they drag me down the hall. "We know you do... You're SHSL Gamer..." Swift sighs. 

 After about 5 minutes of being dragged around I finally get annoyed. "I can walk you know..." I say crossing my arms as my back is dragged along the floor. "Oh we know! We just don't want you to run to that game room just yet." Cheesy laughs. "First you won't let me lie in bed, now you won't let me play video games? You guys are cruel..." I pout. "Jeez someone's moody..." Simple sighs, continuing to drag me. "I won't run." I sigh. They stop walking and stare down at me. "Fine..." They let go of my leg and I stand up glaring at them. I wipe the dirt from my clothes as they smirk, beginning to walk ahead. I follow close behind, exploring the other rooms. There's a lounge area, where people can just sit and relax, a gym where you can work out, a lab, and a few other normal class rooms. "Now can we go to the game room?" I ask, kind of impatient. Everyone in my group sighs. "Fine just go..." Anna facepalms.

 I run down the hall, quickly running into the game room. "Yes this is paradise!" I squeal. Mononeko appears in the door way. He leans against the side of the door. "You sure cheered up quickly...." He smirks. "What do you want...?" I say walking up to the street fighter machine. "Nothing. I just came by to see what was going on after seeing you run..." He crosses his arms leaning on the machine. "How do I work this with no tokens?!" I ask. "School ID." He holds out his hand. I reach in my pocket and hand him my ID. He bends down and the machine scans the ID. "There. That's all you do for the gaming machines." He says handing me my ID and I select my character. "Thanks I guess..." I say beginning to fight.

 After about 30 seconds I win the first match. Mononeko get curious as I continue to play. He stands next to me, watching the game. We stay like this for awhile. Him watching me kick the CPU's butts. Some people walk in and see us. "Lily you know he's-" Wild begins. "I know." I say focusing on my game. The others begin to play games such as Pac-Man and ping-pong. I win the last match, smiling at the screen. "You're pretty good." Mononeko says. I can't help but smile at his comment. "T-Thanks..." I stutter. My eyes widen realizing that I stuttered. I look up at Mononeko to see if he notice but it seems he didn't. "Lily... I challenge you to a match in street fighter!" Mononeko declares.The others stop playing their games. "Fine. What's the catch?" I say scanning my ID. "Winner gets what they want from the loser." Mononeko smirks as he picks his characters. "You're on." I growl. "I'm waiting for Mononeko to force Lily into a maid outfit..." Mango whispers loud enough for me to hear, causing my face to turn hundreds of shades of red. "Ready? FIGHT!" 

 Me and Mononeko fight for almost the whole time period. Suddenly I see my second character fall. "Player 2 wins!" The announcer says, the words flashing on screen. My eye twitches. "No..." I whisper. Everyone is silent as they stare at Mononeko. "Well Princess... What do I want from you..." He thinks leaning in so our foreheads touch. "You know what...? You...Gotta.. Kiss me!" He says smirking. Everyone chuckles as I glare at them. "No." I say. "Why...?" He purrs. "A deals a deal! I wouldn't of said no to what you wanted!" Mononeko crosses his arms. I groan faceplaming myself. "Well Princess?" He says. I gulp and kiss his cheek. "T-There..." I blush. "You never said where..." I smile at him, to see him shocked. "She got you there!" Scar begins laughing. Everyone joins in. "Eh... I'm happy with the cheek." He shrugs. "Simple and Anna are going to have a dance off in Dance Dance Revolution!" Xeo says as we walk over to the machine. "Ready to get you're butt kicked?" Anna asks scanning her ID. "In your dreams." Simple chuckles. 

 The song begins and it's easy at first. I see Mononeko's eyes sparkling. "You like dancing?" I ask. He nods softly. Sometimes he's an insane maniac. But right now, he's acting like us. Why..? Why aren't we bothered by him being with us? I shake my head as I focus on Anna and Simple dancing. Simple wins, jumping up in joy. Anna is panting and wipes sweat from her forehead. "That was amazing!" Ender smiles. We all cheer for their performance. They bow like they're professionals, which we all know they're not. "Well guys... I'm going to take a bath..." I say, beginning to walk out. "I want to join you!" Anna says. "Me too." Mango says following me out. 

 We need to see if Hope found anything new.

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