Important Note

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Guys this chapter isn't an update... But I will post a real one literally five seconds after this one, so calm your horses people, and don't hate me! This isn't like that 'not an update' thing I ranted about.

Okay, you don't have to read this. You can skip it and continue right on with my rant. BUT it will be helpful to you if you do! And if you don't read this and ask about something I address here, I reserve the right to give you a hard time (in a friendly way, of course) for skipping my important note. And as a little bonus for reading it, I tried to incorporate some of the humor that I try to use in my rants. Hope you like it.

So there were a lot of things I wanted to tell a lot of my readers, and I figured the easiest way was to tell everyone at once via an obnoxious author's note. Sorry. Here we go.

1. I would like to clarify that I realize what I rant about doesn't apply to every single thing on Wattpad. There are many, many exceptions. In fact, sometimes what I rant about IS the exception. I'm aware of this. But my be goal here is to discuss the things that irk me and hopefully give you guys a funny rant. So I pick and choose the topics that allow me to do so and try to portray them in an entertainingly sarcastic way. I am also aware that I exaggerate... A lot. And that's the understatement of the year. But, while the topics I rant on are actual issues (for the most part), my rants aren't meant to be taken so seriously. Just keep that in mind as you read and realize half the things I say are kind of ridiculous.

2. I have gotten a ton of new comments recently, and it's been really cool, hearing you guys' opinions! I read every single comment. I know every author says that, but I really do. They all mean a lot to me. The only thing is, I won't respond to every single one of them. The main reason is that I don't want someone to find my book and think, "Wow, this book has like 300 comments; it must be popular! Oh wait, 150 of them are written by the author." I feel selfish if I bump up my comment levels like that. So here's the deal. I will try to respond to some of your comments, or at the very least recognize you for taking the time to comment (I.e. Thank you on your profile). I will also try to respond to all thoughtful comments. What do I mean by thoughtful? Long or detailed comments that express your opinion on the subject. As for the comments telling me that my rants are really good or accurate, etc. I will say right now, thank you for that. Hearing that always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Unfortunately, I probably can't respond individually to all of them. But know that I read them all, and they mean a lot to me. If you comment and I totally ignore you (for at least a few weeks - if I'm miraculously off Wattpad for a while and haven't seen it yet, it doesn't count), that means I forgot to respond. So don't hesitate to remind me, and I will remedy the situation!

On a similar note, if you fan, vote, or add, and I don't thank you, please yell at me (nicely, I'm sensitive) via PM to remind me! Every fan, vote, and add to a reading list means a lot to me, and I want to make sure I show my appreciation.

3. At this point there are 5 of you who I owe dedications (though I only actually told two of you - oops.). These will be coming when I upload more chapters, so please bear with me! I ran out of chapters at the moment. I'm probably not going to dedicate this lame-o author's note unless someone really wants it. If I've dedicated to you and you want this note dedicated to you instead, by all means let me know and I'll make the switch. It'll open up another chapter for someone else.

And while we are on the topic of dedications, I need to clarify one important thing. If I dedicate to you, I am NOT implying that you are guilty of whatever I was ranting about! Far from it! I'm merely thanking you for supporting this rant. There has been some confusion (twice) on this, and then I felt bad about making other people feel bad who shouldn't have felt bad because I wasn't trying to make them feel bad. (Has anyone heard the song Therapy? It's really funny and I first heard it about a month ago. I couldn't resist - that inspired the last sentence that was all funky.) As a solution, I've been telling people ahead of time why I'm dedicating. But then I feel like I'm trying to draw attention to myself. So from now on, since I've posted this, I'm not going to give people a head's up anymore. Hopefully this does the trick. But if there is more confusion, I'll first laugh at them for skipping the important note and then start giving a heads up again.

4. Another thing I want to clarify is that most of the things I rant about are referring to works that are intended to be formal or professional. I don't know about you, but I feel like this rant is pretty casual. So I do a few of the things in this rant, the biggest being caps instead of italics and a few emoticons. And I think that's okay because this isn't a serious story that I would actually consider publishing, and anyways I don't do it as obnoxiously as some other writers. It's just me ranting to myself (and you). It's like a diary of sorts (not really). And who bothers with all the nitpicky rules in a personal diary? Not me! (Actually, I don't keep a diary... I tried before but I always forgot to write in it.) Now if I tried to do these things in The Light Meets the Dark or something, that would be a different story. But I'm not. Only in this rant.

5. I don't know if this matters to you or not, but this story has been recategorized from non-fiction to random. You may have seen it while it was my status. More on this next rant - I was not terribly pleased about it.

6. I want to remind you (actually, I don't know if I've ever said this) that you are more than welcome to suggest future rants. If I am as irked by it as you are, chances are I'll do a rant on it, which will net you an automatic dedication on that rant. Doesn't that sound great?

7. If I ever offend anyone with my rant, I am sorry. Please know that it was not at all my intention. If you want, you can PM me about it. You can get your own personal apology while I attempt to make you feel better. Don't pretend to be offended just so you can see me apologize. That's low.

8. And finally, a huge thank you to all of you for reading! Frankly, I'm shocked that I've made it this far, and it's thanks to all of you. You guys, my readers, mean the world to me. I hope you know that. Love you all

~Lucia <3

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