Thank You Soooo Much!!!

758 62 29

I am a nice person. At least, I like to think of myself as such. Some people may disagree, I really don't know. But, being the nice person that I am, when I see that someone new checked out my works, I'll pop over to their message board and thank them. You know, "Thanks for voting!" "Thanks for fanning!" That sort of thing.

But Lukeworm (dedication) has brought it to my attention that some people tend to go a bit... Overboard with this. You know, "OMG thank you soooo much for your precious votes!!! I love you so much, they mean sooo much to me!!! :D"

Bit over the top, don't ya think?

I mean, I'm all for exaggeration. Hello, have you read this rant? But this feels to me like they're kind of playing with the recipient. Like they're trying to suck up to them in order to get more votes or more reads.

They're fawning like Mr. Collins. He was obnoxious (and obsequious). And kind of... I don't know, not quite stupid. Foolish, maybe. A foolish fool (hehe Franziska Von Karma). And I'm just going to stop there and leave the rest for you to figure out.

And why do you sound like your life depended on my "precious votes"? Would you have, like, died if I hadn't stumbled upon your story? If so, I would recommend seeking professional help as I am not adequately prepared to assist you.

By the way, if you write something like this, don't you dare let me catch you using the "I have a life off of Wattpad" excuse if people tell you to update. 'Cause clearly, you don't. At least, that's not what I was getting from the "Wattpad is my life!" vibe of your excessive thank you.

I do get that a simple thank you gets monotonous, and Wattpad doesn't usually let you post duplicate messages. But try to find a way to mix it up without coming across as fake. Take me, for example. I change up my thank yous and I haven't irritated anyone. I think. If I've ever thanked you obnoxiously, I apologize now.

While we're on the topic, thank y'all sooooo much for reading my rant! Every single one of your lovely precious votes and comments and reads means everything to me!!!!! :D <3

I'm not from Texas. But I do love that word.

Seriously though. I do appreciate you guys, even if I don't necessarily show it. I would say don't forget to be awesome (John Green) but you're all already there. *smiles instead of using emoticon because the text talk rant has been posted already*

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