Chapter 11:Success and Awkward

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I see Jake running toward me , what the heck is going on but before I can ask what's going on Jake swings me around and says,

" My parents said you can stay!"

"Oh My Gosh! This is such good news!" and wrap my arms around his neck . He finally puts me down and looking down at me and says,

" Do you want to go to the mall and celebrate?"

" Sure , but you should get changed first !"

I look down and he is wearing a vest and sweats. He says,

" I guess I should hey ?" and laughs that cute laugh.

I sit downstairs talking and laughing with Jake's parents while he changes , I know right, SHOCKER!, I am telling them all the good things that have happened in life , mainly with Jake and then they keep talking about themselves and Jake's embarrassing moments, LOL!

Then they show me Jake's baby photo album which is hilarious his hair was the same though (haha). He was a really cute baby and while I am looking through the photo album Jake walks in. When he sees the album he says,

" Mom is that my baby photo album?" and walks up to me and looks at the album and his mom replies,

"Yes!" in giggles. He comes and sits next t me and says,

" Well, this is embarrassing ." 

I reply, " Why you were a cute baby?" and pinch his cheek and I hear his mom and dad laugh. Then Jake says with hope in his eyes, " Do you want to go now?" and tries to tug me off the couch. 

" Sure but first," I look at his mom. " Mrs Reed, can I make dinner for all of us tonight? " She replies,

" Sure honey, if you want to and call me Michelle and my husband Bruce. Then Jake and I wave goodbye and have to go to the mall.

While driving to the mall two Van Halen songs come on , eruption with awesome and talented guitarring and dancing in the street, which Jake and I jam to on our way to the mall. 

We have finally reached the mall yay! We walk in the hand in hand and go and get a bite to eat in the food court . We settle on some pizza and sit there and relax its kind of weird though because Jake has to wear a hat and sunglasses to try to blend in. I think someone is going to notice who he is in no time. So we are just sitting there chilling and then instead of someone noticing Jake, someone notices me.


Okay, Cat has tensed up hectically and this weird looking guy is walking up to us , he has black hair and dark clothing. This guy looks at Cat and says,

"Hi Cat, who is this ? " and points at me.

Cat replies, " He is my boyfriend , what do you want Brad?"

Brad replies, " Nothing just wanted to say hi, cheers."

I turn to Cat ,after he leaves , and say "So who was that ?" with my face all inquisitive with one eyebrow raised.

Cat replies with a worried look, "My ex-boyfriend?"

I reply trying not to laugh, " Come on Cat, you could of done better than that , what did you do to the poor guy to make him look like that ?"

Cat replies , " He was like that before I even dated him."

I reply try not to laugh ,

"Come on Cat , you could of done better than that ,what did you do to that poor guy to make him look like that?"

Cat replies with a giggle" I didn't do anything, he looked like that before we even dated." 

I reply teasingly , " Oh so you like the depressed look?" and try to look sad.

 Cat replies, " Not at all, he was just the only guy in school who had some IQ points. why are you jealous?" and pinches my cheek. 

I reply , " NO!" I was kind of jealous. She replies,

" I hope your acting is better in the movies, and you so are jealous! Maybe I should go catch up with Brad." she says jokingly and she gets up to 'leave.' 

So I playfully pull her into my lap and say , "No you don't!" Then  she giggles and kisses me and then Brad ruins it by walking past and says, " Get a room Cat. " 

I was about to go after him but Cat just screams out , " Why don't you get a life , Brad !" and throws a pizza box at him. And then the funnies thing happens Brad comes towards Cat but as soon as Cat steps towards him he runs , I mean literally sprints aways from Cat and we laugh our asses off and then I ask Cat,

" What did you do to him to make him so scared of you ?" 

" Well he cheated on me and I taught him a rather physical lesson that involved some punching and kicking , so you better be careful Jake"

" I would never do that." and I could of sworn she said never say never under her breath but I shrugged it off. 

We then went to get the ingredients and drove home. 


Okay, so I am keeping dinner quite simple , some stuffed chicken with bread crumbs and some delicious source and some roast veggies with spinach witrh cream cheese on the side . For dessert I am making custard slices with ice cream on the side, so that should taste quite good I hope and I am excited for everyone to taste is except for Jake nagging and asking I am cooking while I am trying to keep it a suprise.

Now I am busy making the desert and Jake is still hanging around I wonder what he is up too. Then after checking my custard slices I turn around and there is Jake with a hand full of flour. I dive for cover but Jake is to quick for me and I get full face of flour. I sit on the floor and Jake playfully pushes me down and throws another handfull of flour . I shout out,

" What do I need to do to make you STOP!" 

"THIS!" He says and kisses me right on the lips while his parents are in the dining room so after a bit I push him off and say , 

" Haha, now you look like a clown!"

" While you look like a mime!" he replies. And we both laugh as we wipe off the flower just in time as dinner is ready. 


Sooooooooo sorry x infinity for taking so long to update. i was jst stuck on what to write was fginishing my other book and of course school. but i know what to write and will hopefully be back on track 

sorry again 

love yew 

ang :)

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