Intro, Warnings, and All That Jazz

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Welp here we are again with another fanfiction and I require death. 

I just saw Infinity War today, and I want to crawl up into a hole and die. 

And how do I cope with this tragedy you ask? I write fanfiction. 

Onto the warnings, listed below (in no particular order) 

Infinity War spoilers (Clearly)

Crappy Writing

(Cap's Voice) Language


Cruddy Humor

All characters (except Iris) belong to Marvel, and if you steal my character, I will hunt you down. My character if fictional and any correlation with the real world is purely coincidental. 

Enjoy, also, thanks for picking this up, It really does mean a ton. *Sends hugs and tissues* 


PS: This is a Dr. StrangeXOc, just in case you didn't get that

PPS: It's also really late here, so the next part will hopefully be up tomorrow XD

PPPS: The picture is now my computer wallpaper

PPPPS: Okay, I'll leave now

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