Chapter 5: "And you, we gotta talk. What's your deal?"

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When you close your eyes, what do you see?

 Do you hold the light, or is darkness underneath?

 In your hands, there's a touch that can heal

But in those same hands, is the power to kill

EDITED 4/18/20 BY MundieORiley AND Imaginary_Capable16

To her shock, Tony suddenly turned on her, after finishing chewing out Stephen. "And you, we have to talk. What's your deal?"

Iris stuttered, mouth slightly open; She hadn't been expecting that. "Um, what?"

Stark waved at her in the sassy way he always did. "Your superpower. What is it? Normal people don't float, or throw other people into buildings."

Iris winced at the last part. Strange's eyes flashed like he was ready to tear Tony apart if he didn't stop talking. But Iris had the feeling he too, wanted to know what 'her deal was'.

This was a crossroad she didn't like. June had always taught her, under no circumstances, was to tell anyone about what she could do. 'It's for your own good,' she would say. 'There are people out there who would throw you in a lab, they'd never let you out.' But Tony seemed like a good guy- rich and powerful, yeah, but he wouldn't put her in a cage.

"That was an accident, I don't toss people into concrete structures on a daily basis."

Tony crossed his arms, giving her a 'well, duh' look. "Or we'd have a problem on our hands. So?"

Iris sighed, "Gravity. I can alter gravity," and listened to the machinery hum in the distance.

Stark made a sound of interest under his breath and paced while Stephen looked at her with worry and intrigue. Iris stood there, eyes flicking between Tony's pacing, Stephen's glances, with her panic growing. Stark stopped walking and looked at her with an expressionless face.

Strange seemed to sense a conflict because he stepped forward. "Stark-"

Tony cut him off with his pointer finger and stepped forward."Do you know how many ways you put us in danger?"

God, you should've seen that coming.

Iris stuttered out a response. "I- I don't know, I haven't really-"

"-And that's my whole point," He interrupted. "You seem like a good kid, truly, but this isn't the place for you." 

"Yeah, well, I didn't exactly book this trip."

Tony waved his hand. "Yeah, I know I know, you came to save your boyfriend, but here's my point: you don't know what you're doing."

No one said a word for a moment. Stephen took a step between them, intending to break up whatever incoming storm was rolling in, but Iris held up a hand. "No, he's right."

Stephen scoffed. "That's hardly your fault."

Iris shrugged, and Tony's eyes bounced between the two of them. "I could go over all the ways things could go wrong if you continue not knowing what you're doing or dealing with, but I doubt you need that."

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