Author's Note

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This is it

I've finished a book


Honestly, Thank you to everybody who read this, I never dreamed I would rise to 26,000 reads and 1,000 votes, and 260 followers. Whatever I did to deserve this was not enough, and I thank you all dearly. 

I can finally click the completed switch on my book and I'm unbelievably happy and proud about it. 

Generally, this is when authors give shoutouts, but there's so many of you to thank

Let's start with MundieORiley

This bitch with all of my stupid ideas, for this book and futures, and continues to do so. Her book is fantastic, her strength and kindness are boundless, and honestly, could not have done this without her. 

CatherineDean363 thegrinch_ lovelyycherryy KitCatWolfMCSW 

These twits were (and still are) my biggest fans and motivators, and I laugh at all their comments

lilxblue gxyhorror actual_sarcasm 

Honestly some of my best friends that all make me bend over laughing and cry at my own social stupidity

If I did not list your name, it's not because I forgot you. You all have special places in my heart <3

So now what? You ask, I can already hear it. 

Tonight, be prepared for another Infinity War book to pop up, along with the Endgame fanfiction I have planned. It's going to be wild. 

I'll be writing June's story, whether next week or the one after, it just depends. I need a little break, but I also want to give you all another book. 

And this is not the end, but what I hope to be, the beginning. 

Stay not dead, 


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