Chapter 29: "Just try and stop me."

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Now Playing: New Kings: Sleeping Wolf 

We will stand we will fight

We take everything we need

We won't lay down and die

This is who we were meant to be

Iris was about ready to back-hand Thanos into next month. 

And with Stephen's Time Stone, she probably could. 

She'd flown toward the great number of explosions and clouds of dust to find Stephen on the ground. But that wasn't the worst of it. 

Thanos and Tony were locked in combat, the titan seemed to have the upper hand, smacking Tony with blasts of indigo. Tony's armor was falling apart, literally. Bits and pieces flew off every time Thanos hit him. Eventually, Stark's face was completely uncovered, along with an arm and leg. Tony's face was bleeding too, cuts here and there were littered just about everywhere on his body. 

Then Tony launched himself at Thanos, transferring any armor he had left into his arm, creating a blade. Iris held her breath as Tony jabbed at Thanos with it. Thanos caught Tony's arm, broke the blade, and used Tony's own armor to stab him through the gut. 

Iris' heart skipped several beats and her breath lodged in her throat. Tony

The brunette mustered the energy she could spare and threw Thanos away from Tony. Iris landed between them (praying that she looked at least a little cool) and waited for Thanos to rise again. 

And rise he did. Iris put on her mean face as Thanos stood up, gauntlet glowing with a dangerous light. 

But he didn't shoot purple light, only walked closer. Iris planted her feet, and then he spoke. "Step aside little one, this is not your fight," Iris smirked and popped her neck.  

"Just try and stop me." And then Thanos let her have it. 

The violet light hit her straight on, Iris didn't have time to even think about dodging it. She tumbled backward into the ground, rolling to a stop close to Stark, close enough where she could hear his voice. 

"Supergirl, you need to go. Get Doc and the stone out of here. Get Peter out of here." Iris shook her head and stood up, wincing as a muscle pulled in her leg. 

"Not leaving you behind Stark, dream on." She levitated off the ground, and flew at Thanos, this time dodging a beam of light. Iris landed, determined as ever, and pulled a rock from the ground, hurling it at the mad titan. 

But his glove glowed red this time and the solid rock (at least, last time she checked it was solid) changed into paper? Iris raised an eyebrow. 

"That's new." 

"This is far beyond your comprehension." She shrugged. 

"I dunno, it seemed pretty cool when I wore it." Thanos snarled, patience gone and fired another round of purple at her chest. Iris spun to the right, flinging out her hand when she'd turned back to Thanos, sending him back into the ground. "F.R.I.D.A.Y.? You still in there?" 

"Here Miss." 

"Right, I'm gonna need something with a kick to it." Compartments in her back hissed open, and blue light of her own blazed at Thanos. But then there was his gauntlet, glowing with his own blue power: a shield against her blasters. "That is so unfair," Iris muttered and soared into the air again as purple careened toward her. 

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