Chapter 15: "F.R.I.D.A.Y., charge to two-hundred and seventy-five volts."

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Tears streaming down your face

I promise you I will learn from all my mistakes

oh and the tears streaming down your face

And I will try to fix you

Iris would have much appreciated a warning for the kickback she got from channeling an electric current.

The instant Stephen had uttered the words, 'One, two three. Clear," Iris had placed her hands on Tony's chest and felt the current sweep down her arm, hands, fingers, and to Stark's ribcage. She felt a slight a sting- burn? She didn't quite know how to describe it, other than the fact that it hurt like hell.

Iris bit her tongue in an attempt to avoid crying out, but she must've clamped down a bit too hard because almost instantly she tasted something metallic.

Tony's chest jumped, actually jumped as though playing a game of jump-rope. When the shock passed, Tony stilled with his eyes still closed and breathing absent. "Move your hands," Stephen commanded and bent over Tony, hands hovering, seeking a pulse.

Iris turned to look for Peter, and found him in the far corner, actively avoiding looking at Tony. She felt her heart crack again, and Iris crawled over. "Parker? I'm so sorry, I tried to stop him, he wouldn't listen." Spider-boy didn't respond. "Peter?"

"Did he say anything?" The tone, the sound, everything about his voice broke Iris's heart. If there was some way she could trade her life for Tony's, she'd do it in a heartbeat.

A heartbeat that Tony didn't have.

"What do you mean?" Peter cleared his throat.

"Mr. Stark did he- did he say anything?" Iris's shoulders sagged at the memory.

"He said he did it all for you."

Peter promptly burst into tears. 

Iris rushed to his side, scooting on her hands and knees until she could wrap her arms around him like a mother comforting a child. Peter buried his head in the crook of her elbow and his hands gripped her wrist as though clinging to a lifeline. Iris rubbed circles on his back.

"Iris," Stephen hissed, still in full-on doctor mode. "Get your ass over here now." She flashed him a look, a look she hoped said 'I'm trying to comfort this poor boy here who just had the one person in his life that he might have left can you give me one damn minute please and thank you?'

Strange was not impressed.

"Come here dammit, quickly." Iris sighed and wiggled free of Peter's grip, who's sobbing seemed to grow with intensity with nothing to hold onto. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., charge to two-hundred and seventy-five volts."

"Pardon me?" Iris called out, voice rising to an unnaturally high octave. Stephen rolled his eyes, grabbed her forearm and tugged her closer.

"Same place, ready?" No, I don't want to be a conductor for electricity, thanks.



"As I'll ever be," Stephen nodded.

"One, two, three. Clear." Iris grit her teeth, trying not to draw blood this time around. It stung more than before, that much was expected.

What she, or anyone for that matter, was not expecting, however, was for Tony Stark's eyes to open and for the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist to gasp for air.

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