Chapter 10: "This really shouldn't be fun, but it is. Probably too much fun."

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Now Playing: Shoot to Thrill: AC/DC

Shoot to thrill, play to kill

Too many women with too many pills

Shoot to thrill, play to kill

I got my gun at the ready, gonna fire at will

It was all fun and games until something shot at Iris's window. She yelped (in a very un-lady-like manner, mind you) and by sheer reflexes, jerked the controller to the left.

Iris felt the seat swivel unexpectedly, and she screeched. The gun underneath her moved too, she realized, and now she was too worried to even breath, in the unfortunate event that something else would cause her scream.

Spider-boy's voice spoke hesitantly in her ear. "Um, Miss Cunningham, are you alright?"

"Yep, totally, one-hundred-percent okay."

"Was that sarcasm? Mr. Stark uses it a lot."

"I bet he does," she muttered under her breath. "The chair's fine, a bit weird though. It's pretty safe."

Spider-boy muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like a mirror of Stark's sarcasm. "And a fair warning," Iris added last minute, "The chair moves."

"It moves?" She gripped the handles again, right finger ready to push.

"Found that out the hard way, you're welcome." She pressed down.

The button clicked underneath her thumb, and a second later, bright, red lasers erupted from the gun below her chair. They shot out in pairs, and Iris stared as a tiny ship in the path of her fire exploded into space. Peter's 'whoa' in her ear made her laugh. 

"What did you do?" 

"Okay, the handle-controller-thing pop up for you too?" 

"Yeah," Parker didn't sound so sure. 

"The right-handed side: press the red button on top and have fun.  I don't know what the left one does." 

"Only one way to find out I guess." Red lasers from her left light up her vision, followed by more ships igniting. 

Iris pressed down on the left button, but to her surprise, nothing happened. She clicked it again, and again, and a fourth time, and still nothing happened. Pushing it once more just to be sure she hadn't missed anything, Iris remained in confusion.

"Uh, I think the left one's broken or something, nothing's happening."

"I tried it too," Spider-boy's voice sounded just as perplexed as her's. "Nothing."

A spray of bright, red blasts made you jump in your seat. It emanated from your far left, farther left than where you thought Parker was sitting. A deep, throaty laugh echoed its way down the corridor connected their separate pods.

It was not Spider-boy, she'd only heard that sound of jubilation one place before. "Looks like he's having fun." Parker sniggered a bit in her ear.

Iris turned her attention back to the ships in front of them and fired away.

And shrieked (again, damnit) when it wasn't lasers that flew out of the turret below her, but rockets; Fucking rockets.

"Whoa, what did you do?"

"I think I figured out what the left one does."

"I want rockets." Iris let out a whoop that she wasn't entirely sure had come from as she blasted things apart.

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