Chapter 2: "He's from space, came here to steal a necklace from a wizard."

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I was left on my own devices

Many days fell away with nothing to show

And the walls kept tumbling down 

In the city that we love

EDITED 5/19/19 BY MundieORiley and Imaginary_Capable16

"Hello, Iris."


Iris' palm connected with Stephen's cheek and his head snapped sideways. His fellow costumier took a step back, and so did the man who initially spoke.

"What. The fuck. Is wrong with you?"

All four of their eyebrows raised high into their foreheads.

"I thought you died, not a word for two years. I went to Christine, and you know what she said? That you'd left on vacation for India to find a friend. Vacation. For two years. I call bullshit." Tony's finger waggled between them like he was playing an intense game of Eeny-Meeny-Miny-Mo. "Are you two like, together? Because you sound like an old married couple." 

"No," Iris spat out with venom, and she thought she saw Stephen flinch out of the corner of her eye. "No, we're not."


"No! No, you don't get to 'Iris' me, it doesn't work like that."

"Iris, move!" Stephen grabbed her around the middle and dove to the side, rolling to a stop. One of his arms was tucked around her waist, the other behind her head and neck, keeping it from hitting the concrete.

Stephen was laying on top of her, his head to the left of hers, breathing close to her ear. The world stopped for a second and Iris remembered what it was like to be hugged by him.

The moment passed, and he rolled off, onto the pavement beside her. Iris groaned and sat up. Where they had been standing seconds before was another car, plowing into the ground. The others had scattered, but Squidward and the creature Stark had blasted had re-grouped.

Stephen put his hands on her shoulders, a slightly panicked look in his eyes. "Iris, you need to leave, it's not safe."

She stood, brushing what dust and grime she could off her pants. "I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me, Strange. You owe me an explanation."

Stephen scoffed, stood, and rolled his eyes. "I owe you? Last time I checked, you couldn't send a man hurtling through a building. Unless I missed something?"

"Ladies, you're both pretty," Stark cut in. "Bicker later, kick alien ass now."

Iris rolled her eyes and winced as Stark was thrown down the street by the creature.

God, you have got to think of a better name for him, the voice in her head muttered.

Now's not the best time for this.

It's the perfect damn time.

"Iris, go." Stephen stepped forward and held his hands out in fists. Bright, orange, circular holograms constructed of symbols and characters Iris had never seen before formed over his knuckles.

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