Chapter 23: "Stark, I don't think you'll need to make that call."

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Whatever it takes

'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins

I do whatever it takes

'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains

Coward, her head screamed. Coward, coward, coward. What the fuck are you doing? You should be helping them, not running away. Turn the hell around.

But this was part of the plan: whoever had the gauntlet in their hands when Thanos woke up, needed to run, fly, whatever, as far away as possible until the other took care of him.

But since when have you ever followed the plan?!

Since the entire universe was at stake!

You're a coward.

And you hurt my head sometimes.

Iris readjusted the gauntlet to her other arm as she flew past the broken rubble of old buildings. It looked like something out of a science fiction movie, or out of a fantasy book.

She landed in front of a wreckage, metal poles and beams twisted and mangled. The mask on her suit fell away, and Iris shook out her hair. The braid was long gone, even her current ponytail was a mess.

Walking forward into semi-darkness, she ducked underneath a beam and rose to her full height again. Her head still screamed coward, and so did a little bit of her heart.

The plan, stick with the plan.

Coward, go kick some ass.


This is what you joined them for!

No, it wasn't. I think you misheard me.

You're telling me you don't want the glory of saving the universe?

It's a nice side perk.

Are you fucking kidding me?

"Shut up, please shut up." Iris kicked at the metal surrounding her. Her armored boot clanged against it, and the noise echoed.

So now you're talking to me out loud?

"I said shut the fuck up!" Iris's voice grew a little with each word. The words in her head were starting aches behind her temples. Iris used her free hand to rub circles on them, somewhat easing her pain.

The path she'd been walking on came to a halt, weaved and twisted metal blocked everything in front of her. Iris activated her boosters and flew above it. Easing down on a new layer of the alloy, she heard a loud creak as she landed.

Iris froze, both feet planted on the floor and listened for anything else. After a moment of silence, she lifted one foot, only to be greeted with metal scraping against itself. Iris winced and hovered in the air.

Time to find someplace else to hide, this place is going to collapse any minute. 




She shook her head, doing her best to ignore the voice. Iris flew upward, toward the ceiling of the structure where she could just barely see the sun's rays poking through.

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