Chapter 9: "Friends of yours Quill? Please say no."

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It's time to kill the lights and

Shut the D.J. down

Tonight we're taken over

No one's getting out!

One by one, they all turned around to face the gigantic window that stretched floor to ceiling. Iris had avoided looking through the glass since she climbed aboard, it gave her an extreme sense of vertigo. The seemingly endless expanse of space couldn't be compared. It was almost magical, in a sickeningly, make-you-want-to-hurl-your-breakfast-out-the-nearest-window type of magical. 

Hence why Iris had avoided looking at it. 

But when she looked through, her mouth dropped open. 

Instead of looking at space, stars, and swirling colors of galaxies far, far away, hundreds, no thousands of tiny ships created a wall. They were small, looking like they could fit only one person and gold. The light from their engines was a bright blue, almost neon.

The ship groaned to a stop underneath them, and Iris stumbled forward. Stephen caught her arm, managing to stay mostly upright himself.

"What the hell?" Tony asked what they were all thinking. 

"Friends of yours Quill? Please say no." 

"Ah shit." 

"I'll take that as a yes." 

"They're not my friends!" Quill walked forward, closer to the glass window. Iris raised an eyebrow.

"Did you steal their friendship bracelet or something?" 

"I didn't do shit. Rocket pissed them off." 


"Talking Racoon, he is a friend of ours. Actually-." Iris held up a hand. 

"I don't even want to know." Stephen tensed next to her, gripping her forearm.

"Stark, why has the ship stopped?" 

"I don't know, but it's a problem." 

"Really Sherlock, what gave that away?" Stephen and Tony looked at her with exasperated glances. 

"Don't get sassy with me Supergirl." 

"Don't call me that." Stephen stepped forward, one hand on Tony's chest, the other pointed to Iris. 

"We have bigger problems, stop bickering and behave you two." 

"Yes girls, you're both pretty." 

"Shut up Quill." Tony stepped forward, hand on his chin contemplating the situation.

"I don't like it."

"You don't like anything," Iris snapped at him, grinning slyly.

"Be quiet."

"Funny enough, I've heard that before." And then they started to shoot. The fire shook the ship, Iris swore out loud.

"Stark, does this thing have guns?"

"Down below, I think."

"Oh-so-helpful, as usual."

"Shut up and do something!"

"Fine!" Iris pointed to Spider-boy and the two female newcomers. "You three are with me." The blue one pulled out a blade, pointing it dangerously close to her throat. Iris held up her hands slowly. 

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