Chapter 1 mirror mirror

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"I'm not spending my money on stuff like this", Todomatsu mumbled. "There's nothing in here I want". "It's all just old antique stuff"

"I will admit that when Karamatsu said he would take us shopping, this isn't exactly what I had in mind", Choromatsu stated, Mildly agreeing with Todomatsu.

"I was honestly expecting to be in a store full of clothes, so sparkly that it burns your eyes", said ichimatsu quietly as he looked at some of the old jewelry boxes before quickly loosing interest.

Jyushimatsu was too busy running around the store and grabbing anything he could possibly get his hands on to pay attention to the conversation his brothers were having

"Well I mean... It's kinda cool, I mean I've never actually seen stuff like this before", said Osomatsu who was surprisingly more interested in the vintage items than the others.

Karamatsu was scanning through the shelves, with furrowed eyebrows, like he was concentrating on something.

"Yo Karamatsu is there something specific you're looking for?" Osomatsu asked, slightly tilting his head.

It took Kara a couple of seconds before he reacted to the question. "Actually, yes my bruzzah. I came here a few days ago because I was curious, I found something that I liked but I didn't have any money at the time", he said, striking a pose and giving a small smirk.

Karamatsu, them continued to search for whatever it was that he wanted before Oso had a chance to respond.

"You know, someone could've already bought it Karamatsu niisan", Choro said as he let out a sigh, hoping that was a good enough excuse so that they could leave and look at other things.

"Well I suppose that could be what happe-"

"Karamatsu niisan!!" Jyushimatsu yelled excitedly, startling Karamatsu. I found something shiny!

"E-eh? W-wha..?" Karamatsu manages to say, still a little shaken by that random jumpscare. "Something shiny?"

"Yup yup!" It's big and shiny jyushi says holding up a mirror, that looked like it belonged in a history museum, or maybe even an art museum.

Karamatsu's eyes suddenly lit up. "That's it! That's what I was looking for!" Karamatsu says happily as he began praising jyushimatsu for finding it.

Ichimatsu shot an annoyed look at Karamatsu. "It had to be a mirror". He mumbled to himself. "You already have a hand held mirror kusomatsu, why do you need another one two times bigger, and two times more painful?" Ichimatsu asked, loosing interest in everything in that place.

Karamatsu paused, trying to think of an answer. "Heh well I just needed a mirror that matched my amount of beauty. "A mirror that is just as unique as I am" he said, striking a pose.

Ichimatsu had already regretted that question. He should have guessed that he was going to have to sit through his brother's shitty dialogue. He just decided not to acknowledge what he said and move on to other things.

Osomatsu laughed at his younger brother's fancy dialogue and ruffled Kara's hair.

Karamatsu let his cool guy act drop as soon as he felt his older brother's fingers in his hair. "H-hey don't mess up my hair bruzzah! He said as Osomatsu only snickered in response.

"Well it's starting to get late so go ahead and buy that mirror before we leave", Oso said with his usual grin.

Karamatsu nodded as he cleared his throat and quickly straightened out his hair, before paying for the mirror and following his brothers back home.

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