Chapter 25 calming of a storm

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Karamatsu felt a surge of panic, his heart jumping out of his chest. He scrambled into the room, Ichi trailing behind him before he locked the door.

"Karamatsu" he heard, a voice say. Osomatsu was getting closer. Karamatsu frantically looked around the room, his eyes wide with panic.

He didn't see the mirror. It was hidden somewhere in this room but he really didn't have much time to look.

Locking the door would only slow Osomatsu down, not keep him out.

The walls of the room were lined with paintings, paint brushes and jars in an unorganized mess on top of shelves and dressers. The room smelled of lavender and there were different assortments of items clattered together.

There were so many things in this room, which meant more hiding spots.

Karamatsu jumped, backing away when he heard a loud banging on the door.

"KARAMATSU. YOU SHOULDN'T BE IN THERE" Osomatsu practically growled from the other side.

Ichi hissed at the door, his back arched and his black fur standing up.

Karamatsu wasted no time, he frantically searched the room, pulling bedsheets aside, pulling things from shelves, going through drawers, and pulling things from under the bed.

It's not here, it's not here! He can't find it! It has to be in here!

Osomatsu pounded on the door, clear and utter anger in his voice. "OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" He yelled, Karamatsu beginning to shake as adrenaline ran through his veins.

God, where is it?! He was running out of time!

Karamatsu looked around.

Where hasn't he looked, where hasn't he looked.

His eyes scanned the room, his breath frantic and then

The closet! It had to be in there! He quickly scrambled to the closet, clasping his hand on the door handle and turning the knob.

"KARAMATSU DONT YOU DARE" Osomatsu screamed, banging on the door so hard, Karamatsu thought it would break.

Karamatsu frantically pulled things out of the closet, glancing behind him every few seconds as the sound of Osomatsu banging on the door got louder and louder.

Karamatsu tossed things out of the closet, digging through things like old clothes and paintings and hoping to god that it was in there. Osomatsu would get in any second now.

"OPEN. THE. DOOR!" Osomatsu screamed from the other side

"Come on where is it? Where is it?" Karamatsu whispered under his breath



"Please, please, please, please-"

And then there it was. Karamatsu recognized that faint blue light right away.
It was the mirror, it was in there!

Karamatsu grasped the frame of the mirror, hurriedly tugging it out from whatever it was stuck under.

And as quickly as it was in his grasp, Karamatsu's eyes widened as he felt a something tug his arm, the mirror clattering to the floor.

Osomatsu had gotten in. Karamatsu was just a little too late.

The look on Osomatsu's face was a look of pure malice.

Karamatsu stared wide eyed, his blue eyes gone pale.

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