Chapter 20 Getaway

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Karamatsu slowly stood up, wincing as his head ached.

He could barely hold himself up. He stumbled onto his bed as he clutched his head.

Sure as soon as he saw Osomatsu raise his hand, he knew he was gonna get hit but he didn't expect it to do this much damage.

"Are you okay?" Ichi asked, jumping onto the bed next to him, concern filling his purple eyes.

Karamatsu only nodded, wincing as his hand covered his bruised cheek.

Karamatsu really had to try harder not to do anything that would make Osomatsu angry.

"Here, let me see it" Ichi said, furrowing his brows.

"What?" Karamatsu replied

"Let me see your face, where he slapped you i mean. Does it still hurt?"

Karamatsu slowly removed his hand, revealing the red, bruised mark left on his cheek.

"I- it doesn't hurt that bad" Karamatsu said as Ichi stared, his eyes filled with anger.

"Tch, i can't fucking stand him" ichi said scowling.

Karamatsu said nothing in return. He was reflecting on all of the events leading up to this point.

"I don't get it.." Karamatsu mumbled

"Hm?" Ichi said, his brows furrowing.

"Osomatsu had been so kind to me before and now he's suddenly. changed. Why? Why now?" Karamatsu asked, rubbing the bruise on his face.

Ichi sighed. "Look, the Osomatsu that was treating you better at the beginning of all this. That was the real him. The one you're seeing now isn't" Ichi said, before clearing his throat.

"That thing will let you think that everything is fine for a little while, and then it'll show itself when you're most vulnerable."

"Its just using Osomatsu as a vessel to get close to people. It likes seeing the shock and fear in your face when Osomatsu suddenly goes violent."

Ichi paused for a few seconds before continuing.

"To this day, i still don't know what the hell it is or why it's attached to Osomatsu in the first place but.."

Ichi crawled into Karamatsu's lap and let out a breath of air.

"Just know that whatever terrible thing Osomatsu does, he doesn't mean it. You'll have to forgive him for that"

"I.. Okay.." Karamatsu replied, leaning on the wall.

They sat there in silence, just thinking.

How the hell was he gonna get out of here?

He had no idea where that mirror was and Osomatsu clearly had the advantage. Osomatsu knows this place way better than he did.

He can't stay here like this. One wrong move and he could end up with a broken neck as well.

Somehow he'd have to figure it out. He was going home, even if it kills him.


Osomatsu removed his hands from his face, taking in a deep breath.

He sat on the couch, closing his eyes as he sat there in silence, blocking out everything outside of his own mind.

There was silence..and then a voice.

A voice that only he could hear, a voice that he hated hearing. It sounded like his voice, but it was more distorted. It sounded glitchy almost.

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