chapter 10 Niisan knows best

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A/N hellow~ I just wanted to say that its better to listen to the song after reading this chapter. It'll make no sense if ya listen to it before lol.

"I um..... Two" Karamatsu said, not really knowing what else to say as Choromatsu prepared his tea, barely lifting a finger to do so.

"So Karamatsu" Choromatsu said, stirring the sugar into his tea. " you're from that other world, correct?" Choro said, looking up at Kara with a look of curiosity on his face

"I um yeah" Karamatsu said, staring into his tea cup, savoring it's warmth.

"What's it like?" Todomatsu asked, a cookie halfway in his mouth as he leaned onto the table.

Karamatsu looked up, pausing before speaking. "I mean its okay" he said, not putting much thought into his answer as he took a sip from his tea cup.

"Okay? What do you mean okay?" Choromatsu asked, pouring himself more tea as Osomatsu looked in Kara's direction.

"How different is it from this world? What do you do there, what's it really like?" Choromatsu asked, wanting every detail.

"Well.. I'll be honest with you; its not that great.." Karamatsu said, letting out a sigh as he stared into his cup.

"Its actually scary to think about really. I mean, anything could happen to you. You could be the happiest person on earth and anything could destroy that for you."

Osomatsu leaned onto the table, looking in Karamatsu's direction as Kara continued. " people are cold and cruel to each other. They hurt people and are just.. So horrible! You're never safe there. It doesn't matter where you are or what you do!" Karamatsu was yelling now

"That doesn't.. That doesn't sound as pleasant as I thought it would" Todomatsu said, looking at Choromatsu as he finished the last of his tea.

Karamatsu sighed. "sorry, I just got a little upset.." he said, not knowing what else he should say.

"Well that's why you should stay with me Kara" Osomatsu said with a smile, as if nothing the second born said bothered him at all.

"You wouldn't have to worry anymore" Osomatsu said, leaning on the table with a grin on his face.

Karamatsu looked up at Oso, remaining silent for a few seconds before replying. "I don't..  I still don't know about that Osomatsu" Karamatsu said, seeming a little troubled.

Don't get me wrong he wanted to stay but something was making him unsure of that option.

Osomatsu sighed, his brows furrowing as he sipped the tea from his cup. "Well its okay if you can't decide right now but if you don't want to stay then it's your loss" Oso said, staring Kara right in his big, light blue eyes.

Karamatsu said nothing in return. He didn't know what to say or think at the moment. His immediate reaction was to just nervously stuff his face with cookies that were on a plate nearby.

Maybe the answer was obvious. Maybe he should stay.

Todomatsu! Osomatsu yelled as his youngest brother entered the room.

Todomatsu looked up from his phone, only taking one of his earbuds out before replying.

"What" he said in an annoyed tone as he looked at Osomatsu with an impatient expression.

Osomatsu just ignored his brother's attitude and quickly got to the point.

"There's something wrong with Karamatsu" he said, looking at Todomatsu with a look of pure concern on his face.

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