chapter 15 regret

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A/N hey there bUdDiEs. *cOuGh* all I'd really like to say is sorry that mah updates are so slow. I know y'all angsty Cheetos want all the details. I try to make these as detailed as possible and as quickly as possible but sometimes I rush and the chapter goes waaayyy too fast. Anyway that's it. I hope ya enjoy this chapter.

"Wh- he... He did this?! H-how could he do that??" Karamatsu yelled, a look of pure shock on his face.

Ichimatsu was silent for a few seconds before he looked up at karamatsu with a serious look on his face.

"The answer seems complicated but its quite simple... That wasn't him" Ichimatsu said, sending chills down Karamatsu's back.

"What do you mean?" Karamatsu asked, a mixture of curiosity and fear in his voice.

"I mean exactly what I said." Ichimatsu said before clearing his throat.

"Osomatsu does have this unnatural amount of strength but he would never use it to intentionally hurt Karamatsu" Ichimatsu said sincerely

"Nothing like that has ever happened before. He would never let himself lash out at Karamatsu because he knew that if he did he could hurt him...really really badly.

"I don't understand..." Karamatsu said, furrowing his brows

"What I'm saying is that when he lashed out at Karamatsu that day he wasn't... Himself anymore. It was like he became an entirely different person... No rather he did become an entirely different person." ichimatsu said in a serious tone


"Its like there's this violent, ruthless, almost demonic side of him buried underneath all of that kindness... And once it's out he can't control himself anymore. Its not him anymore; Its dangerous."
Ichimatsu said looking at Karamatsu with a genuine look of concern on his face.


Ichimatsu sighed "look Kara. Osomatsu really did truly care about his brother and you too but... That..thing is dangerous if anything were to go wrong he'd-..."

Ichimatsu paused

"I just don't want something like that to happen again" ichimatsu said looking at the ground

"I....I understand" Karamatsu said quietly

"..Come on we have to go" ichimatsu said standing up, Karamatsu soon following.


"Has anyone seen karamatsu!?" Osomatsu yelled, stumbling into the room

"Wh- um no" Todomatsu said sitting up and facing the first born.

"Nobody's seen him all day" Choromatsu said, a concerned look on his face. He had never seen Osomatsu like this and if Osomatsu is panicked then it must be serious.

"Oh god I hope..." Osomatsu paused mid sentence before checking his pockets. The key was gone. Karamatsu must have taken it.

Osomatsu ran up towards the attic, fumbling with the door knob as he opened the attic door.

"Karamatsu!" Osomatsu yelled practically throwing himself through the door.

The room was empty. There was no sign of karamatsu. Osomatsu could only assume the worst.

Did something happen to him? Did he run away? Will he come back? Is this my fault?

Osomatsu fell to the ground,his eyes stinging with tears that he desperately tried to hold back.

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