chapter 7 secret

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"What the hell are you talking about?" Osomatsu said, just barely resisting the urge to backhand his fourth born younger brother.

"He's been hiding things, going to some unknown place, and just disappearing out of nowhere" Ichimatsu said, glaring at Karamatsu.

Ichimatsu then directed his attention to the second born. "Then you come back at 11pm, in the middle of the night with this." Ichimatsu said, carelessly swinging the locket about as Karamatsu desperately reached for it in a panic that it might get damaged somehow.

"Who did you get this from Karamatsu? Who were you talking to before you disappeared?" Ichimatsu asked, glare still present on his face.

"I-it was given to me by a close friend! Now give it back!" Karamatsu yelled, trying to snatch the locket from the fourth born.

This wasn't a good enough answer for Ichimatsu. He quickly jerked his hand back, keeping the second born from getting what belonged to him.

"Ichimatsu what the hell!" Osomatsu yelled, intervening.

Ichimatsu glanced at Osomatsu before quickly turning back towards Karamatsu, glaring unforgivingly.

At this point Karamatsu had run out of patience and snapped."You have no idea how important that locket is!" Karamatsu yelled, a pleading look on his face.

This got Ichimatsu's attention, the glare no longer on his face. "You have no idea how important it is to him! How important it is for me to keep it safe! How he trusted me to take care of it!" Karamatsu yelled, his voice shaky.

"Who is he?" Ichimatsu said,raising an eyebrow. Karamatsu froze, staring at Ichimatsu before quickly replying.

"N-nobody... Why do you even care! Karamatsu yelled, his eyes beginning to sting with tears.

"Ichimatsu just stop okay!" Osomatsu said with a pleading expression on his face. "This is obviously really important to him so give it back".

Ichimatsu quickly spun around to face the first born. "Osoma-"

"Please Ichi, just give it back" Osomatsu said firmly, staring at the fourth born

Ichimatsu went silent, glancing at the floor for a second before letting out a sigh. He carelessly  tossed the locket to the floor. Karamatsu quickly scrambled to get the locket, clutching it in his hands.

"Tch" Ichimatsu managed to say before leaving the room without another word.

Osomatsu let out a sigh as he scratched the back of his head. "Sorry about that Kara" Osomatsu said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Its fine..." Kara said, sighing as he put the locket back on and crossed his arms.

Osomatsu paused before speaking again. "Well... Next time you should probably tell me when you're leaving before ya just disappear okay?"

Karamatsu paused. "Yeah...sure.." Karamatsu said softly, not saying much else.

"Anyway we should go to bed its almost 12am" Osomatsu said, gesturing towards the bedroom.

"Yeah okay" Karamatsu said, letting out a sigh without saying another word.

Osomatsu watched his sleeping brothers as he sipped from a cup of tea.

He was unable to sleep so the figured he may as well get something to drink. He scanned the room, examining each one of his brother's peaceful sleeping faces.

His eyes landed on Karamatsu. His brows were furrowed and he was curled into a tight, somewhat protective ball. He clutched the locket tightly in his hands as if his life depended on it's safety.

Osomatsu sighed as he sipped more of the tea, savoring it's warmth.

"What's going on with you Kara?" he said softly, almost in a whisper as he let out a sigh.

It was silent for a short time before Osomatsu heard a voice from behind him.

"Hey um.. Osomatsu niisan" Ichimatsu whispered, sitting down next to his older brother.

"What?" Osomatsu said as he faced the fourth born, still a little upset with him after that little locket incident upstairs.

There was a pause. Ichimatsu was about to speak before Osomatsu broke the silence.

"Why did you do that Ichimatsu?" Osomatsu asked staring at his younger brother.

Ichimatsu let out a sigh as he crossed his arms. " I don't know I just.." Ichimatsu groaned as he exhaled a deep breath. "I know that it wasn't the best way to handle the whole situation but.."

Osomatsu's brows furrowed as he placed his cup on the floor.
"I heard him... talking to someone but there's no way that  anyone else could have been in the room with him."

This seemed to get Osomatsu's attention. "He was on the second floor but when I opened the door he was gone" Ichimatsu said, looking Osomatsu right in his big, reddish tinted eyes.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Osomatsu asked, rubbing his eyes. "He just disappeared. I can't be the only one who finds it weird that he just disappears like that and then comes back at 11pm." Ichimatsu said gesturing towards the second born.

Osomatsu paused. "Well last night I woke up in the middle of the night to find Karamatsu, practically unconscious  downstairs." Osomatsu said, looking at the fourth born brother with concern in his face.

"He's been acting weird ever since he bought that.... That mirror. Ichimatsu said, his brows furrowing.

"Do you think it has anything to do with the mirror?" Ichimatsu asked, looking up at Osomatsu.

"Nah that seems kinda far fetched don't ya think?" Osomatsu said, rubbing under his nose.

Osomatsu turned towards Karamatsu, who was clutching the locket tightly in his hand. "... I just hope he's alright though"


There was nothing but darkness. Karamatsu jolted up, his eyes darting across the room but he couldn't see anything. Its way too dark.

Karamatsu sat there in silence before hearing a voice. "Kara.. matsu.."

"E-eh?? Osomatsu? Is that you?" karamatsu asked looking around.
"Karamatsu... the mirror" the voice said as it echoed throughout the empty black space.

"Eh? What about the mirror? Are you.... Mirror Osomatsu?? Where are you? I can't see you!" Karamatsu said, rambling.

"Don't tell anyone about the mirror Karamatsu. Don't tell them about me do you understand?" Osomatsu said, still unseen.

"I...." Karamatsu paused.

"Its a secret okay Karamatsu? You can't tell anyone, Only you can know." Osomatsu said. "If anyone else knew, they would ruin this for you like they always do. You wanna keep coming here Dontcha Kara?" Osomatsu asked in a fake confused tone.

"Y-yes of course I do!" Karamatsu replied, almost immediately.

"Then promise that you won't tell the secret. This stays between us, right Karamastu?~"

"Right, I promise" Karamatsu said with little hesitation.

"Good" Osomatsu said in a cheerful tone.

Karamatsu then woke up, clutching the heart locket he was given. He looked over to find his brothers sleeping peacefully. He saw the mirror, leaning against the wall, sunlight reflecting off of it's surface.

"I promise Osomatsu. I won't tell anyone"


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