Chapter 28: The Lost Memories

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-Akashi P.O.V- (the next day)

" I?", I opened my eyes, only to find myself in the same dream again. Drowned in the sea.

"Why...? What happen?".

"Seijuro", a boyish yet soothing voice drawned me.

"You...", I glanced  at the reflection of the surface. There she is again, the same woman in my dream.

"'re the key...", I caress her cheek.

The woman face was blurred.

"Who...are you?", I asked.

A drop of water fell on my face, strange. I'm already in the water...the sea...then why I could feel...

"Seijuro...I miss you", the woman in the reflection cried and slowly dissappear.

"No...don't cry, don't go!", I tried to reach her hand.

*  *  *

"Hngg...?", I groaned.

"Young master, it's already morning", my servant opened the curtain wider. I was shirtless and tired. I'm weak with the morning sunshine. "Alright...", I sighed. My servants act so protective, there must be something they hide from me, not to mention my father death. In the news, they said my father died due to an illness. But my memories slowly recover, I remembered about that day...when we arrived in America airport. Both my father and I were kidnapped by someone.


The kidnapper torture my father continuously. "Stay away from my father!!", I glared. "WHO SENT YOU HERE!?", my father shouted in anger. "Shut up! You're in no position to angry you know", the kidnapper smiled slyly and hit my father with his gun handle. "FATHER!!!", I yelled.

My father bravely bite the kidnapper finger despite being tied. "SEIJURO! RUN AWAY!", my father ordered me. I ran with both my hands tied, fortunately the tied on my feet loosen. I escaped safely, but when I turned around a sound of gunshot could be hear. My father died right in front of me.

"Blame your daddy bestfriend!!! ARATA MAYOI!!!".

*  *  *

The doctor checked me and said that I lost my memories due to a heavy shock. But after ten years, my memories start to recover. Arata Mayoi is the head of the Mayoi company.

"He's the one who sent them...he's the one who...killed my father", I clenched my fist.

Still, remaining inside the mansion won't change anything. I need a fresh air, as I stepped outside, my servants halt me. "Young master, where are you going!?". "I'm going outside", I snarled.

Their overprotective attitude sicken me. As I stared out the window...I saw that woman, Mana Mayoi outside my mansion. She walked aimlessly on the street with muffy eyes and pale face.

"What is that foolish woman doing outside alone?", I sighed.

Suddenly someone tapped her shoulder and greet her...

-Mana P.O.V-

I felt someone tapped my shoulder. Taiga greet me with his energetic smile. "Yo, Mana", he pat my head. "Taiga, stop patting my head", I frowned. "Is it about Akashi?", he asked. My heart sunk as I heard Taiga said his name. "Kise really worried about you", Taiga blushed slightly.

"That Ryota...he told everyone-".

"Don't get angry at him, he's just worried that's all", Taiga cheer me up. "Y-Yes, I...apologize", I blushed. "There you go", Taiga caress my cheek.

"Hey, wanna meet Tatsuya? I'm planning to go see him", Taiga asked me out.

"Sure, but I thought you're going home to Tokyo...", I exclaimed.

"No, I stay here for a week", he smiled.

"Fine, let's go meet Tatsuya", I smiled back.

*  *  *

"This is odd...", I sweatdropped, I feel like someone following me.

"Mana, what's wrong?", Taiga asked concerned.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing", I shrugged it off.

-Akashi P.O.V-

"This is unacceptable!", I glared.

I found myself stood behind a building, following both that red haired male and Mana Mayoi. This is an insult for my pride!

"But I can't help it, I want to know her more for some reason".

When I about to step back, I stumble across the blonde hair male I met yesterday. "Akashicchi!!", he shrieked. "Keep your voice down fool", I glared and pushed him. "Taiga, did you hear that?".

"She realize?".

"Hear what?", the red giant asked confused.

"Hmm...nevermind, maybe it's just my imagination", she smiled.


"Akashicchi, what are you doing here!?", the blonde male pouted.

"None of your concern, how about you?", I asked him back.

"That's...not your business", he blushed. Judging from his expression, it looks like he's tailing her. "You're following her?", I snorted. "So WHAT!? YOU'RE FOLLOWING HER TOO RIGHT!?".

"N-No!", I said nervously.

"Then what are you doing here?", he demand for answer.

"I happened to passed by, that's all", I glared.

*  *  *

I tailed her...with the blonde hair male, Ryota Kise. She's meeting with someone...a black haired male and a blonde haired woman. "Tatsuya", Mana Mayoi smiled. She smiled feels so fake. "Mana, Taiga hello. It's been a while", the man named Tatsuya hugged both of them. "Taiga! Mana! I miss you", the blonde haired female jumped at both of them. "Alex, cut it out", Mana Mayoi sighed. "G-Get off!!", the red giant suffocated.

"It's been a while, care for a one on one Mana?", Tatsuya dared her. "Fine by me", Mana Mayoi smirked victoriously. The match started with Mana Mayoi stole the ball from Tatsuya, she dunked.

"I felt like...I've seen this before", my head hurts.

"Akashicchi? Are you okay?", Ryota Kise whispered. "I'm alright", I shrugged.

"Seijuro", a familliar voice popped inside my mind.

"Who...", I grabbed my head.

"Akashicchi?", Ryota asked again. "I said I'm alright", I panted.

"Seijuro!", that voice called me.

"We will meet again", the same voice called me.

After that my consciousness start to fade away into the darkness...

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