chapter two

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As I walked back to the Slytherin dormitories, I found myself wondering about that blonde haired boy. He wouldn't stop staring at me all through the feast but to my understanding he has a girlfriend.
"Hey" the blonde haired boy said as he started walking towards me. "I've been told to help you find your way around the school" he stated.
"Oh, hi. Im Madison" I said shyly. He's very muscular and just overall good looking.
"I'm Draco Malfoy." He stuck out his hand and I shook it.
"Your dormitory is right up there" he pointed to the stairway to the right of us. 
"Ok" I said. "Goodnight I guess." I waved as i made my way up the stairs.
"Wait...." He said.
"Yeah?" I questioned.
"Maybe we could....hang out down here for a bit?" He asked.
"Oh! Sure yeah" I said as I made my way back down the stairs. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me.
I nervously sat next to Madison.
"Let's get to know each other better." She suggested.
"Ok" I shrugged.
"What's your favorite colour?" She asked.
"Black" I replied.
"Ok, your turn" she nodded.
"What year are you in?" I asked.
"Five, and you?" She returned.
"Five" I repeated.
We played for hours.
I finally wound up the courage to ask it.
"Are you single?" I blurted.
He looked surprised and then sad. "No." He looked up at me. "I'm not single. I should go." He hurriedly ran to his dormitory.
"Bye." I whispered even though i knew he was gone.
I sat on the couch staring at the stairs to the boys dorm, hoping he would come back.
I shook my head and got up, making my way to the girls dormitory. When I arrived, I discovered I would be sharing a dorm with Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Millicent Bullstrode, and Pansy Parkinson.
The four girls were sitting on one of their beds talking about who knows what. I tried not to disturb them by sneaking over to my bed, but to my luck, the floorboard creaked. All eyes were on me.
I made my way back from the feast alone. Usually I would be walking back to the Slytherin common room with my boyfriend Draco, but stupid Headmaster Dumbledore decided he would be showing that new girl around.
Ever since she barged into our compartment on the train Blaise hasn't shut up about her. I've also caught Draco staring a few times. He may not know it but it really hurts me. I've worked so hard to get him to be with me my whole life, and now this girl comes along and he ignores me.
I bite my lip to hold back tears. Everybody thinks I'm this stuck up bitch who doesn't care about anyone, but it's not true. I hurt a lot, and I'm scared to lose the only people in my life. And if that means I have to be rude to people, then so be it.
As I arrived at the portrait, I had to take a minute to compose myself. Taking deep breaths I whispered the password and went into the common room. And there, on the couch no father than 5 inches apart, was my boyfriend and that mudblood girl.
I inhaled sharply as I heard her ask, "are you single?"
I didn't wait for his reply. I ran up to the dorms unnoticed by the two, and curled up in my bed. A minute or two later, Daphne, Tracey, and Millicent walked in. I watched them walk in, laughing, but they stopped as soon as they saw me crying.
They came and sat down next to me. I tried to stop crying but only started sobbing even harder.
They bombarded me with questions and I told them all about what I saw downstairs.
All of a sudden, the devil herself walked in.
I looked up and saw Pansy's tearstreaked face. Her and the other three were glaring at me. Pansy opened her mouth as if to say something, but just started crying again. Her friends shot me another glare before bombarding her with comforting words and hugs.
I silently climbed into bed as I thought about what she could be crying about.
the next morning
I woke up to find my bed full of snakes with a note on my bedside table. I freaked out for a few seconds before realizing I could get rid of them easily as I was a witch. Duh. I reached for my wand and with a quick flick of the wrist, they were gone. I quickly read over the note.

Hey mudblood,
Better stay away from my boyfriend you filthy whore! He's mine and he'll never love a stupid ugly thing like you.
I'm warning you bitch, stay away or I'll do something worse than put snakes in your bed.
Your worst nightmare,
Pansy Parkinson.

I rolled my eyes and threw the paper in the bin. Noticing everyone was already at breakfast, I threw on some skinny jeans and a light pink tube top, sliding on my black hightop converse on the way down the stairs. I was in such a rush that I didn't notice Blaise Zabini standing right at the bottom of the stairs. I ran right into him, almost knocking him over.
"Watch where-! Oh. Hey Madison." He started to snarl at me but immediatly stopped when he realized who I was.
I turned bright red.
"I- I'm so sorry I should pay more attention" I mumbled staring at the floor.
He looked me up and down as if just noticing what I was wearing. "Wow." He said, eyes wide open.
I blushed deeply. "Well uh..  I'm just going to be off to breakfast, bye Blaise..." I muttered walking away.
"Wait!" He caught my arm causing me to look back at him. "Can I take you?" He asked shyly.
"Oh! Um..yeah of course." I said surprised by his kindness since he had been such a dick on the train. I wonder what my brother said to them...I'll have to ask later.
He offered his arm and I took it. Together we walked into the Great Hall. I saw Draco Malfoy, he was looking me up and down with his mouth slightly ajar. When our eyes met, he glared at me and looked away.
Confused, I furrowed my brows and shook my head. Looking back at Blaise, I smiled brightly and we made our way to Slytherin table.

Wow. Second chapter done! It's only been two chapters and I'm already so proud of this. Ok so a couple things I need to say
One, sorry for the foul language lol
Two, I am going to be focusing a lot on Pansy in this story but yes it is still about Draco and Maddie. Pansy as a character intrigues me and yes she was a bitch but so was Draco and everyone seems to be giving him a chance so why not Pansy?!?
If u aren't interested in this then leave. Please don't leave hate comments.

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