chapter ten

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I know it's only been a few days since summer started, but I miss you like Merlin already! I'm so excited for next year when I can see you every day again. My brother Jacob is being soooo annoying. I've decided that I want you over for dinner so I can tell my uncle about you. I hope that's ok. Write me back!
Love always,

I miss you too, I just want to see you again. Jacob's a prat by the way, but yes, I guess I will endure his prattyness for an evening so my girlfriend can introduce me to her uncle. I love you, and Merlin I miss you too.
Yours forever,

I smiled as I reread the letter. I folded it neatly and placed it into a box where I plan to keep all future letters from Draco.
"Maddy!" My uncle yelled from the kitchen, "dinner!" He continued.
"Be there in a second!" I called back.
Sighing, I closed the box, making my way to the kitchen.
I sat down at the table, watching as my brother effectively took almost all of the food.
I scowled, "Leave us some will you?" Shaking my head I reached for the spaghetti.
He just glared at me, sticking his tongue out.
Clearing my throat, I opened my mouth to talk when an owl tapped at the window.
I stopped scowling when I realized the letter was probably from Draco. Smiling, I made my way over to the window and let my uncle's owl inside.
Sure enough, its from Draco.
"Who's it for?" My uncle asked, curiously.
"Me" I replied, giving the owl a treat.
"Who's it from?" My brother narrowed his eyes knowing damn well who it was.
"None of your business" I replied through grit teeth.
"I swear to Merlin Madison if its-" I covered his mouth then, giving him the hardest glare I've ever given anyone.
"Not. Another. Word." I snarled into his ear.
"Guys stop it. Come eat." My uncle scolded.
I let go of him, backing up and glaring at him once more.
I layed on my bed in my room, listening to the conversation between my parents and the Dark Lord in the kitchen downstairs.
"Draco would be very useful you know....." Lucius suggested.
"Not this year. He's too young and immature." My mother replied.
"I agree Lucius, Draco will join us at the beginning of the school year.." The Dark Lord finally hissed.
Then the talking stopped and I could only assume that He had left.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door.
"Come in." I said slowly.
My mother opened the door, only taking a few steps into the room.
"You may come down for dinner now."
I nodded, and she left, closing the door behind her.
I reluctantly got up, leaving the safety of my bedroom and walking down the stairs.
Entering the kitchen, I sat down at the dinner table.
"Draco, we have discussed with the Dark Lord that you will join him this year. Join us." Lucius said sharply.
I simply nodded, gulping down my words that were threatening to jump out.
"May I be excused?" I half-heartedly asked.
Before Lucius could respond, my mother nodded.
I quickly got up and walked to my room.
Sitting down at the desk by my window, I grabbed a piece of parchement an a pen.
Hands shaking, I wrote the letter, tears splattering onto the page as I finished it.

We need to break up. I've found someone else and decided I want her instead. You don't need to reply, I just wanted you to know we can't hang out at all. I don't want to be your friend.

I reread the letter. I know it's harsh, but it's the only way she won't want to be near me anymore. And that's what she needs to be safe. I know I won't be a Death Eater until school starts, but the more time I spend with her, the more this will hurt her. Better early than never.
I handed the letter to my owl, sending her away. Tears fell down my face as I watched her fly away.
After dinner I happily walked to my room to open my letter from Draco.
Flopping down on the bed I ripped open the envelope and stared at the familiar handwriting.

We need to break up. I've found someone else and decided I want her instead. You don't need to reply, I just wanted you to know we can't hang out at all. I don't want to be your friend.

Eyes going wide, I reread the letter. Once, twice, even three times. I hadn't even known I was crying until I see the tear splatters on the page.
Reaching up, I wiped away..... Nothing.
No tears. Looking back down at the page I realized that these tears belong to Draco, not me.
"If he was so harsh about this, why was he crying?" I mumbled to myself, furrowing my brows and biting my lip.
Whipping out a piece of parchement, I quickly scribbled down a letter and ran downstairs where my uncle and brother still sat.
Giving the letter to the family owl, I opened the window and sent her off.
I opened my window to an unfamiliar owl, who dropped the letter on my bed and quickly flew away.
Opening the letter, I saw Maddie's normally neat handwriting, which now looked scribbled, as if in a rush.

I got a letter from Draco. It's important. Please come over.

Rereading the letter, I bit my lip, hoping everything was ok.
I grabbed my bag and took the stairs two at a time. Walking into the fire place and grabbing some floo powder, I muttered a quick "Jones's house" before dropping the handful.
I arrived at a cozy looking red brick house, and I knocked on the door three times.
An older boy opened the door, and stared at me.
I blushed under his gaze before thinking about Blaise, and stopped.
I looked behind him into the house.
"Is Maddie here?" I questioned.
"Here!" I heard from somewhere inside, before Maddie appeared looking disheveled with tear streaks down her face.
"Oh no" I scrambled past the older boy and hugged her tightly.
"What's wrong?" I whispered.
The boy scoffed, "That stupid Slytherin boy broke up with her." He smirked when Maddie glared at him.
I gasped, giving her a disbelieving look as she dragged me to her room.

Ok ok. So I finished chapter ten yayyyy. The breakup pains me but oh well it's kind of necessary.

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