Return The Favor

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~~~~Alex’s Point Of View~~~~

                Things are finally picking up for us All Time Low members. Hopeless Records has a few hotel rooms saved for us and recording begins in two day. I couldn’t be more excited, and the same goes for the guys.

                As I finish packing my stuff into the car, I sit in the driver’s seat and wait for Zack and Jess. Rian, Jack, and Riley are driving in the other car. They better hope Jack doesn’t take the wheel from them. I move my hands around to keep myself busy as I wait. I’m honestly terrified. What if they end up not liking us? And if they do, what if the public doesn’t like us? This is a huge step and it’s nerve-wracking. I’m not sure how to handle this. Part of me wants to scream it to the world and part of me wants to huddle in a ball and just breathe. This is a lot to take in within a day.

                The one phone call changed my life. It’s going to change me, it will change all of us guys. This is a new life, potentially. I don’t want to be that guy that ruins everything with drugs, and I don’t want to be that has-been band. This is what I want my whole life to be; music.

                Music has gotten me through so much of high school. All the time, I’d get these anxiety attacks, and I didn’t know what to do. I put music on and just tried to breathe and it helped, believe it or not. I want to be able to help people like I was helped. Without music, I don’t know where I’d be, to be honest.

                The ride up is loud and crazy. We have the music blaring and Jess babbling  and Zack doing his own thing in the back. I can’t help but smile and laugh the whole way up. This is incredible.

                We get out rooms next. Jess and I bunk together while Jack and Riley are together. Zack and Rian bunk in a separate room as well. As I close the door to Jess and my’s room, she wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek. “I’m so proud of you,” I turn around and hug her.

                “Me too,” I mutter. “After we get settled, how about a date?” I smile at her and she nods. I give her a kiss and continue to unpack. Jack, Zack, Rian, and Riley decide to go to the square. They must be having a music festival and burgers. Stuff like that. As they leave, I finish buttoning my flannel and wrap my arm around Jess. She’s wearing a short white flowy dress.

                “Well aren’t you looking handsome?” She smiles at me as we walk to my car.

                “And you look beautiful.” I kiss her forehead and open the door for her.

                I drive around aimlessly until I find a decent looking place. It’s Chinese food, not my favorite, but Jess loves it. We order our food and we eat and chat over dinner.

                “So, Mr. All Time Low,” She smiles wide and I smile back. “What’s your first song going to be about?”

                “Not sure yet. The guys and I are gonna discuss it and pick a single to show everyone who we really are.” And with that question, I panic. We haven’t discussed that at all yet. I might bring up Forget About It. I’ve grown to like that one. The reason behind it, however, I’m not very fond of.

                After we eat, it’s only 5:00 and neither of us wants to go back yet. The music festival looks about over, but we decide to check it out. It’s open two more hours. Jack and the others must’ve gone somewhere else now because I don’t see them around.

                At the music festival, there are a few bands that are just local groups, no one that’s signed or famous. I smile to myself and realize how lucky I am. We sit on the lawn chairs they have set out and watch them. There is one rock group, one indie kind of group, and one country group. They’re not bad, I have to admit. I clap for them. As they set up for open mic, Jess and I go over to buy some apple cider.

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