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Jaebum finally made it home though he'd rather be anywhere else. His mother greeted him from the kitchen while his father was passed out on the couch. He most likely just got off his shift and didn't make it the bed.

"Your dinner is in the microwave," she called out to him. "Is there any reason you chose to walk home late instead?" Jaebum shook his head while undoing his uniform tie. "Are you embarrassed of me, Jaebummy?"

The male chuckled watching his mother pout like a kid. She played it off with a laugh and got his food out for him when he sat at the table. Although she wasn't eating she sat down next to him.

For some reason it was awkward. He didn't know why she was smiling over at him or watching him eat like it was his last meal, but she did.

"Is something wrong, mom?"

She shook her head. "No. Just admiring my beautiful only son. I'm thinking about all the successful things you've done in life, Jaebum. I'm proud of you."

In return he looked back at his exhausted father and sighed. The man started snoring suddenly and Jaebum went back to picking around his food. "Thanks."

Later that night or early at one in the morning, Jaebum was texting his friend Jackson about the gossip website.

I heard about it but I didn't think it was still up
Didn't even know you were on it lmao

Yeah! This random girl told me about it. She said me and my boyfriend. Who is my boyfriend??

You know exactly who it is!
Jinyoung-ah !
Lmao you gay

Not funny. I need to find this and demand they take it down. What if my dad sees?

No grown man is going to be on a gossip site. It's just a bunch of first year girls wanting some high school drama.
Ignore it.

Jaebum put his phone on the charger and turned off his lamp. He wanted to listen to Jackson and just forget the whole thing but it wasn't that easy.

He tossed and turned all night thinking about how he was going to find the website. The only person he knew to ask was Keuran herself.

"Jinyoung!" A deep voice called out as he passed a classroom. He then stopped walking to look inside and saw a couple students gathered in a classroom. Probably trying to finish up late work. "Over here!"

That's when he spotted Youngjae in the corner of the class. "Hey." Jinyoung walked in and took a seat next to him. The boy was scribbling in some last minute details on his homework before bringing his attention back to Jinyoung. "Need something?"

"Oh yeah! Thanks for last night. I might get an eighty if I can even remember half the crap you told me."

"English isn't that difficult, Youngjae. Might be for you since you barely listen to yourself." Youngjae rolled his eyes when Jinyoung said that. "But I better get to class."

Where are you?

Outside of year two class seven

Jinyoung said his last goodbyes and stood outside the class out of Youngjae's eye view. After about five minutes he saw Jaebum jogging over. Usually they would embrace each other in a hug. Jinyoung put his arms down when he realized he was the only one reaching for one.

"Have you heard about this gossip website. Apparently me and you are on it. I was up all last night trying to find it but with no luck."

Jinyoung gulped while searching Jaebum's face for any sign of disgust. The older male had a faint smile on his face instead. "What are we doing?"

"I don't know. But people think we're boyfriends. But they could be teasing too." Jaebum checked the time on his phone quickly.

"Haven't heard of it, but I'll text you if I find out anything." Jaebum looked at everyone but Jinyoung and it only made him feel a sense of neglect. "Will you text back?" He whispered with desperation in his voice.

Jaebum looked at Jinyoung with a raised eyebrow. "Huh? Why are you talking so low."

"I'm not."

"I have to go find Keuran before class. I'll see you at lunch, alright."

"Yung Keuran!" Jaebum stopped running to turn and face Jinyoung. He had a smile on his face that was obviously covering up some sort of emotion but Jaebum didn't pay attention to it.

He came back to Jinyoung and grabbed his wrist. "Lead the way buddy." He motioned down the hall and Jinyoung started to walk. "How do you know her?"

"She's in my year so every morning during attendance, I hear her name being called for recognition of student representative co-president."

Jinyoung didn't know exactly where she was but he had a clue where she spent most of her time. Every student representative at their school went straight to one room before class and that was the student offices.

The younger didn't tell Jaebum exactly where to go because he wanted to know why he needed her. It was his smooth way of not being an intruder yet getting what he wanted.

Once they made it in front of the room, Jinyoung knocked since that was the rule. To his surprise, Kearan is the one who opened it.

"Uh... hey?" Her face puzzled when she saw Jinyoung. But it was soon replaced with a smile when she noticed Jaebum standing next to him. "Well then."

"Thanks, Jinyoung. I can handle it from here."

Kearan stepped aside allowing Jaebum into the room. Without a proper goodbye, the door closed on Jinyoung's face and that was the last he's seen from Jaebum all day.

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