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Jaebum wasn't planning on talking to Jinyoung today. There was nothing in him that had the temptation to even try. He didn't know if it was because he didn't feel like getting yelled at or if it was because Keuran told him it wasn't a good idea. He agreed with both parties.

So he didn't go to the cafeteria that day. Instead he went to the bench under the old oak tree. Keuran held his hand firmly the entire way there.

"We should take our first couple picture together right here. It's really beautiful right?" Jaebum gave her a weak smile. "I've always looked at this spot but I never bothered to come over. It feels so off to the distant."

That's why he and Jinyoung loved it.

Jaebum watched her sit down on Jinyoung's side of the bench. He felt a small prick in his heart like apart of him fell away. But he fought against it when he saw her smiling brightly at him.

He wasn't sure just how far her plan would take them. Would the website really be taken down or will they flip it into some breakup sob story between the 'gay' dudes of the school?

Gay. Something Jinyoung didn't even tell him he was. That news still scarred him although it was less than a day ago when he found out. Jaebum couldn't believe he told Youngjae first. He thought he was Jinyoung's only friend. He felt betrayed and left in the mud.

But how does Jinyoung feel after he said all those things to him?

"Are you alright?" Keuran had her phone out and in selfie mode. Jaebum was mindlessly getting ready to text Jinyoung until she interrupted him. "Can we take the picture?"

He nodded quickly and cuddled up next to her. It's only been a few hours since she asked him out and he felt they were going at a questionable pace. Then suddenly she kissed his cheek and the smile fell right off his face.

"Cute!" She squealed while scrolling through the pictures. "Jaebum, you know I liked you a lot. For a while now. I was actually so happy you bumped into me."

He looked at the pictures she was admiring until she stopped on the one where she kissed him. "So when are we going to work on taking down that website?"

She nibbles on her lower lip before responding. "I mean. It's going to take some time. First we have to let the entire school know we're dating. Hopefully it gets to the owner and they disable the account. It won't happen over night."

"Well then post one of those pictures and get your friends in on it. Or tag it on that website. Tag me in it too."

Keuran giggled while slapping a hand on Jaebum's thigh and giving it a light squeeze. "Someone's anxious about us."

He started to say the opposite. How he was only in this relationship to take the website down like she said it would. Then he remembered how she is a beautiful girl with enough intelligence to get the whole school at her feet.

If he messed this up with her it wouldn't be just Jinyoung he lost but everyone he's ever talked to.

"I am anxious. I don't want to risk another guy hitting on you. Thinking you're all available." Keuran rested her head on Jaebum's shoulder and cuddled to him. He wrapped his arms around her just to pull her closer.

Youngjae slowed down as he finished his last lap around the track. Jinyoung looked up from his phone, more so the picture that was on it, just to see Youngjae approaching him. "We should get something to eat after this." Youngjae said to ease the moment.

"Yeah..." was the olders reply. Youngjae hunkered down to see what Jinyoung turned his attention back to. "When I told him that I was gay, well not directly... I could just see the hurt in his eyes. But it lasted half a second. Just half a fucking second."

Youngjae took his phone and looked closely at Keuran and Jaebum in this picture. They looked happy but were they really?

"Forget about this okay. They've been going out for a second. They can't be that in love."

"I don't know how long they've been going out. It could have been the day they were alone in the student representative office. It could have been when he was searching for her."


"He doesn't tell me anything anymore! How could I trust him with my sexuality. It's like you were my only real friend and I completely disregarded you as so."

"Jinyoung!" He grabbed his hyung by the shoulders and gave him a quick shake. "You are going to tear yourself apart if you keep going down this road. Lurking on her page and blaming yourself. It isn't your fault how Jaebum treats you. It's a reflection of him."

Jinyoung didn't know he was crying until Youngjae was wiping the tears from his cheeks. Youngjae then gladly took his phone from him and put it in his back pocket. "What are you doing?"

"Helping you get through this. I know it won't take a day but how ever long you need I will be with you everyday. Even if it takes a century."

Jinyoung weakly hugged his best friend. He didn't get half the sleep he needed last night so he wasn't very energized. Especially since he ran a mile in a half instead of eating lunch. Luckily Youngjae was there supporting him. Although he wished it was Jaebum.

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