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Jinyoung learned today how many people were his true friends when he sat alone under the oak tree for passing period. Of course it was a tradition he and Jaebum shared to skip a couple classes a month. Well it was a new month and he chose today to not go to his next class. He knew it was dumb and that he could have waited but something took all his motivation away.

"I'm starting to think you're following me," Jinyoung muttered while crushing the flower between his fingers.

Youngjae froze up behind him as he tried to figure out how his cover has been blown. Playing it off, he joyfully sat next to Jinyoung and admired the crushed flower as if it was a new sun. "You're sitting here all alone and I couldn't help but figure out why."

Jinyoung smiled at the ground then chucked the plant. "Things are so different now," he admits. "I envisioned this entire ceremony in my mind for when Jaebum and I actually get together. This is nothing like that."

The younger boy moved a few inches away from Jinyoung. "You know false fantasies ruin any relationship. Mainly because they don't meet your expectations and it's hard to come down from that."

"Oh really?" He chuckled in disbelief. "I didn't fucking know that."

"If you're skipping then I'll skip with you. I know this good Thai restaurant a couple of miles away. We can talk there. We can do-"

Jinyoung wasn't fucking thinking when he did what he did. He wasn't thinking of the students walking around them or the boyfriend sitting at home. He wasn't thinking of who he loved or what he loved. Morals? They went out the window. For him it was all about now.

But the one thing he should have considered first was Youngjae's feelings. He knows exactly how this could ruin the boy. But he didn't... care.

When their lips touched softly then suddenly it was like a wave of force pushed them together. Mainly from Youngjae's point of view. But for Jinyoung, that wave was guilt. Yet he didn't pull away. A hand rested on Youngjae's thigh until it was on his arm. It wasn't until they became breathless that the kiss ended after.

Both of them confused and sort of embarrassed. Youngjae broke the awkwardness. "We can talk about that too. At the Thai restaurant."

Jackson slid around the social media on his phone before burping and putting his phone away all together. A sudden snap was heard from the bushes followed by rustling. And like a robber in the night, Jaebum stumbles out dark into the faint light.

"It's about damn time," he said to his hyung. "My legs went to sleep."

"I had to talk them into believing I was tired of playing cards. It's actually a fun game." Jackson wanted to slap Jaebum but he knew he had to make light out of being trapped all day. "I can't wait to see my Jinyoung."

Jackson rolled his eyes and hopped in his dads car. The two went cruising down the street for a few minutes before reaching Jinyoung's house. He let Jaebum out then watched his hyung run across the small yard to the window that hangs near Jinyoung's room.

He hid on the side of it and knocked so Jinyoung could open it and he could scare him. After a minute of waiting, he wondered if Jinyoung just left his light on from accident. He then peeked inside and the sight before him made Jaebum want to die.

Two boys, both shirtless were laying in the queen sized bed. He looked closer to see one of them was Youngjae. He had Jinyoung's head on his chest as they were both laughing at something on his phone.

Jaebum's shoulders slumped watching his boyfriend carry out happiness with someone else. Jaebum scrambled to find Jackson's phone in his pocket and quickly dial his boyfriends number.

He picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Jinyoung laughed on the phone as Jaebum watched him lift his head off of Youngjae. "Hello?" He repeated after no response. "Jackson?"

"It's Jaebum."

Immediately, Jinyoung looked out to his window and directly into Jaebum's eyes. Neither of them were paying attention to Youngjae scramble to put on a shirt. Jinyoung then opened the window and began to cry before words were even exchanged. "I didn't cheat," he said through sobs. "But I... kissed him."

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