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Jaebum's never known Jinyoung to be late for anything. Even if it was just to stop by the fair for a minute or two, he would have known the younger male to show up on time. He was eager to hear Jinyoung's explanation. He was just as eager to apologize. Hopefully, JInyoung would understand why he said all those things and know that he didn't mean it.

i'm in the front

That was sent over thirty minutes ago. The only thing he could assume is that Jinyoung was with Youngjae. He got the boys number a while back when Jinyoung requested he be his emergency contact if he ever goes missing. Right now, Jinyoung was not only missing but probably dead.

have you seen jinyoung? He isn't responding

um... he left for the carnival with Kunpimook like ten minutes ago.
he did leave his phone at home though
just look out for him

Jaebum wanted to scream but he bit his lower lip instead. He wasn't going to be crazy enough to stand out here until the sunset in an hour so he decided to go inside and greet Keuran. The smallest part of him was here for her.

Students were gathered around either buying tickets or showing off the prizes they got. Jaebum thought one of them would be Jinyoung, but he pushed the thought away. He then saw Keuran working the ticket booth and approached her. Her hands were full of money that was coming by so fast she didn't have time to put it away.

"Let me help," Jaebum kindly squeezed behind the booth and started organizing the money in the box.

She smiled at him while bowing to supporters. "You've been doing so much. I'm surprised you haven't passed out from all the effort." Jaebum playfully smacked her arm as a reply. "Ah, so where's your boyfriend?" She questioned without making eye contact.

"I don't have a boyfriend and it would be greatly appreciated if you didn't call my best friend anything other than my best friend." Keuran rolled her eyes. "The website is a bunch of shit, Keuran. It's very offensive and I want it down. It practically tore me and Jinyoung apart-"

"It didn't damage your friendship anyway until you found out about- thank you for coming!" she shook someone hands gently. "...until you found out about it. Which means it isn't the website but you."

"Me? Oh really. Then why can't I eat lunch with Jinyoung or do something as simple as walk down the hall without being whistled at and taken pictures of?"

Keuran turned her head to look at Jaebum who was red from anger. She sat down next to him since the line has gotten slow and her table partner took over most of it. Without thinking, her hand fell on his knee and he quickly looked down in shock. But he didn't show it.

"I'll admit it's gone pretty far. But... if you want it down then that should be your goal. And I know exactly how to do that." Jaebum was listening closely to the point where he actually leaned into her. "Be my boyfriend, Jaebum. If you're publicly dating me they'll feel bad and they'll stop."

"Are you sure this isn't just an excuse because you like me?" Keuran shrugged before covering her red cheeks with the palms of her hands. "You waste no time do you?"

He had to think about it. Was he really going to just go out with her after one bump in and a few volunteer hours later? He had to take this up with Jinyoung. He wanted to know if he wanted the same thing as Jaebum did. And he had to, right? Why would he want that account to stay up and to the public?

Just when Jaebum was about to reply, he saw Jinyoung standing around as if he was lost. Right next to him was Kunpimook who was instantly swept away by his friends. "Can I get back to you on that?" Keuran nodded as he scrambled up from his seat.

Jinyoung was counting out his donation money when Jaebum paused right in front of him looking as guilty as ever. Neither one of them said a word for the first minute. Jinyoung decided to start the conversation that was weighing on both their shoulders. "I'm just going to give my donation and then we can talk."

Jaebum stopped him before he could walk past. He didn't want him approaching Keuran and she slipped up and said something.

"You should hear me out first." Jinyoung looked at Jaebum's hand that was wrapped around his wrist. He didn't hesitate to pull away. "I'm so fucking sorry. That text was out of pocket and I could have addressed the situation way better than that. It was rude of me to assume you are... gay. Even if you were I know I'd be the first person you told-"

"Jaebum. I'm going to give my donation and I'll be back, I promise."

The older started stumbling over his words. His mind had so much it wanted to spit out but he couldn't find the order. "What's the rush? The fair isn't over until eight. You can always-"

"I accept your apology, Jaebummy. But I-"

"God, don't call me that anymore." Jinyoung gasped at the words escaping his hyung's mouth. "Ever since Hwaryeong and the picture. I feel everything is awkward and I want us to be friends. Good friends but distant at the same time."

"What are you going on about?"

Jinyoung couldn't understand him when he was rambling. Not even Jaebum knew what his point was. His main focus was on Keuran and becoming her boyfriend to take down this site. He wanted, no needed, this opportunity.

"The website can be taken down. But only if you understand that we can't be together all the time. You can't say those things to me because it makes it sound like... it sounds like we're..."

"Spit it out, Jaebum!"

"...like we're dating! I don't want people to think we're dating because I'm already dating Keuran!"

Jinyoung clenched the money in his fist before completely throwing it upside Jaebum's head. "Then you can give her the damn money." He spat through clenched teeth before storming off the other way. "And!" he turned around suddenly. "Youngjae is the first person I told. At least I knew he wouldn't be ashamed of me."

Keuran came to collect the money off the ground before taking ahold of Jaebum's arm. "Didn't go well?" she watched as he left the campus.

It didn't go at all as Jaebum imagined. He didn't even give the chance for Jinyoung to tell his part of the story. He was wrong to throw everything at the boy in one minute. But in that short time, he found out a lot. He knew he was a terrible friend and he knew Jinyoung knew it too.

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