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"Jaebum!? Why on earth do you have Jinyoung's phone? What'd you do to him?" He started getting loud but just enough that his parents wouldn't wake in concern. "And do you know what time it is?" He sat up and saw it was only eleven. He mentally settled that it was still too late.

"I'll explain when you open the damn window and let me out of the cold."

"No. I'm not letting you in my house. Not after what you did to Jinyoung. He doesn't know it but you deserve to get punished too. Not just his heart."

Jaebum scoffed on the other end. The cockiness in this boy made Youngjae's blood boil. All he could picture was him allowing Jaebum to crawl through his window before pushing him right out.

After silence, Youngjae gave in before getting up to unlock his window. "It's open," he groaned while turning on his lamp and throwing a jacket on.

Seconds later, Jaebum appeared standing in front of him with an emotionless face.

"What?" Youngjae spoke when nothing was being said. "What do you want from me. I gave you back your little play doll. I have nothing else to give you."

"You're stealing my boyfriend."

Youngjae's heart began to run and jump loudly in his chest. He had to sit down before his legs gave out on him in front of his hyung. "What do you mean?"

"He went off on me about literally everything
after he told me that you liked him. He started to believe the lies he was spitting then he took off into the night. He was crying I think. But he left his phone and I thought he'd run to you. Apparently I was wrong."

"Well, Jesus fucking Christ!" Youngjae slid on his track shoes and snatched his phone off the bed. "You're wasting your time talking to me. We have to go find him!"

Jaebum grabbed the boy by his arm before he could make his way to the window. "Thank you." He said in a serious tone. Youngjae shook his hand free and climbed out his window in search for Jinyoung.

The two have no clue where to even start. Seoul was huge and Jinyoung was a small guy. They could be searching for hours before they even run across someone who even partially looks like Jinyoung.

"Since we're alone..." Jaebum started, earning a groan and eye roll from Youngjae. "There has to be boundaries for my new relationship." He poked Youngjae who held back everything in him not to hurt the older man. "Like what you say to Jinyoung and what you do. He's at a very sensitive time in his life. He thinks everyone just wants to love him but I see through you."

"Then you're correct. When I first started talking to Jinyoung, I didn't like him. Just wanted to be his friend like Keuran told me to. After a while of seeing him constantly being hurt by you... I started feeling bad. Realized he deserved better and I thought that better was me."

Jaebum stayed quiet because he wasn't expecting to hear the males feelings. He actually mentally told himself he didn't want this to get sobby but those feelings are real and he can't disregard them. Especially since Youngjae cares enough to sneak out of his house and help him search for his missing boyfriend.

"That guy that was with Keuran, it's not me. I don't know where he came from or why. But that is not me. I love Jinyoung and he knows that. We're all just hurting right now and thinking on impulse."

Jaebum thought to before any of this happened. Before he let Keuran's looks pull him in and before the website. He thought about what his parents would say if they ever found out about what he did to his best friend. If they ever found out about his sexuality.

"I just want to go back to sitting under our tree, skipping classes, and holding each other. I won't even care if someone took a picture anymore."

"Me too."

Youngjae and Jaebum jumped when they realized they were in front of the school and Jinyoung was on the other side of the large gate looking at them.

He had been crying hard. The moonlight showed off his red cheeks and eyes. The only thing separating him from hugging Jaebum is the metal gate. Even then he wasn't sure if he wanted to hug his boyfriend.

"Jinyoung! God, you worried the shit out of me!" Youngjae ran over and gripped the metal next to Jinyoung's hands. He pulled away when Youngjae got too close.

"Your intentions in the beginning were far from justifiable. The fact that you would work with Keuran to peel apart a friendship absolutely disgusts me. Especially since I helped you with homework on numerous occasions." Youngjae dropped his head as he stepped away from the gate. "But you know how to be an amazing best friend and I hope you can continue that with me and Jaebum."

Youngjae visually looked unthrilled to do anything with Jaebum. But everyone knew Jinyoung wasn't giving up on his best friend although he put him through hell. Inevitably, Youngjae nodded.

"As for you, Jaebum! If my energy didn't go to the tears recently falling from my face I would have beat your ass by now. Murdered you to be exact." Jaebum shivered. "But I know you would have won so I'll do it when your back is turned. Now help me climb back over this."

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