Preperation Day

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*Maggie's POV*

It's now three days until we head to Magcon. I have checked out the app 'Vine' and it's actually a very funny app. I have checked out all the boys' accounts and the girls'. They seem alright.

We're now at our headquarters waiting for our 'trainers' to prepare us for this mission.

"Hello I'm Conner, your trainer for your upcoming mission." A tall, muscular man says when walking through the automatic doors.

"Wow a trainer." I mumble.

"Is something wrong Miss Maggie?" Conner asks.

"It's just that I feel like I'm in the Hunger Games. I have a trainer and it's like I'm Katniss and your Cinna or Haymitch." I say.

"I see. Well I can assure you it's not. Now c'mon we have to get you prepared."

"May I ask why. I mean I practically have solved thousands of murder cases with Olivia and Kristen. Why do I have to do this?"

"You see Maggie, this is not training for the murder case. It's to bring out self defense and to bring that gut feeling to be right."

"Ok?" I ask confused.

We walk out the doors and into a wide open room. I see Olivia and Kristen on the other sides with their trainers. They also seemed confused but they just pay attention to what their trainers have to say.

"Now your doing self defense. You have to doge these fake bullets and other items to defeat this training session." Conner says.

"Ok do we do it all together of one at a time? What happens if I get hit?" I ask.

"You do it together and you 'die'."


We all into the square area and wait for the training to start.

"Ready in 3,2,1." A voice booms and everything gets quite.

I hear something whizzing behind me and I turn around and duck. Kristen doges a fake bullet coming at her feet by jumping in the air. Olivia doges a fake knife being thrown at her by moving swiftly to the other side. Just then there's other stuff coming at us more. We do what we can to doge them.

"This is hard." Kristen says.

"No kidding it can't be like this at that meet and greet." Olivia says.

"It's only a prep I think it's only just in case." I say while jumping over a fake grande.

"Well it's stupid." Kristen says.

We keep dogging other items thrown at us when the items stop being thrown.

"Cleared." A voice booms.

All the doors open and in come the trainers. They tell us we did good and we move to a different area. We get there and this time we go one at a time. First it's Olivia, then me, then Kristen. Basically your in this chair and they give you choices. You have to pick the right one. It's more like a gut feeling of which one is right.

"First person cleared." The voice booms again.

You can see Olivia after the chair is being risen she gets out if the chair and over to her trainer.

Next it's my turn. I'm scared as all hell. I go and sit down in the chair. They put this metal over me and everything goes black. I then see a white white shining and then it gets bigger. It looks like me......running.

I watch it then I come to a stop. There's two different ways. Great this is my gut feeling training part. I keep look at both ways and see which way would be better. Left or right? I have to go with my gut and it's saying going left. But another part of me says go right. I can't choose so I go with my gut. I go left. I guess this was the right choice cause I ended up outside. There's other courses like that and most if them I go the right way and two I don't.

"Second person cleared." The voice booms.

I see the lights while the metal thing is being lifted off of me. I walk over to Conner so he can actually tell me how I did.

"Well......" I say as I get to him.

"Amazing." He said.

"What do you mean I missed two of them."

"But the rest you actually went with your gut. This is what the training is about."

"Oohh." I say a little low.

"Well you are done now. Oh the boss would like to see you now."

"Ok thanks." I say and walk away.

'Now what?' I think.

I walk into the main area and the boss is on the screen.

"Maggie, great for you to join us." He says.

"Hello. What's the news?" I ask.

"Well the mission you see is starting sooner then later."

"Umm I don't get it." I say

"You, Olivia, and Kristen will be leaving tomorrow for your mission."

"What?!" I say shocked.

"I'm sorry but the person who runs the meet and greet, Bart, would like the job done now."

"I understand." I say and walk out with Olivia.

*Authors Note*

Hey guys happy 4th of July weekend! I'm now headed up to Mackinaw and I'm almost there! On the way down from there I will be updating. Sorry for the long wait!

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