Magcon Orlando

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**Maggie's POV**

Day one Orlando. Magcon is beginning just moments away and we're getting prepared. With the drawback everyone is nervous but acting normal. As for me I'm in the middle. I have to keep my guard out for Bart and Maria.

Magcon has just started and so far nothing. We all are totally happy to be back even if there is a killer on the loose. Are acts are happy and filled with laughs. Songs are being sung and questions are being asked all around. I see posters of Shawn and I's face on it. It's kind of cute.

The event has just ended and now we're having the meet and greets. We go back into the room they're holding it in and just wait for the fans. Soon, they all come pouring in and we start. There are so many screaming girls here it kind of hurts my eardrums. Well let's just say there was no sign of Maria or Bart doing something stupid.

The fans are wonderful and nice. I did kind of miss this. All the nice notes and the fangirls going crazy. I have gotten a lot of nice comments.

"Magcon meet and greets are now over! Please grab your lasts photos and have a nice day!" Someone says.

The lights went out. Screams everywhere. Shots fired. We all get down and hide. I grab some of the fans and hide them below my booth and tell them to stay calm. I grab out my 'Bluetooth' and try to contact Olivia and Kristen.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask.

"We're being attacked by maybe three men with guns. It doesn't look like their shooting anyone but they are shooting the walls." Kristen says.

"Make sure you have those fans calm keep them close together." Olivia says.

I turn off my 'Bluetooth' and roll out to see what's going on. I don't see any of the boys. They better be safe. The men with the guns are backing towards the doors slowly. One of them seems to have a hostage. I get up and charge towards the men. Their guns are pointed at me. I dodge them and knock the guns out of their hands. I grab whoever they have and run away getting them to safety. I hear the door close and the lights go back on. I look over to see who it is.

"Taylor are you ok?" I ask him.

He was almost the hostage.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine but they had Jack G with them too. Did you grab him?" Taylor asks.

"No! I didn't see him oh shit!" I say.

By this time everyone is up on their feet still in shock of what just happened. I race over to Kristen and Olivia.

"They have Ja-oh heyyyy Jack!" I say as I see Jack near Kristen.

"Did you wanna say something Mags?" Olivia asks.

"Oh nevermind I'm just going to find Shawn." I say.

Well they got Jack. That's good. I make my way over to Shawn and he looks relieved to see me. He drops his hands from his head and comes over to me.

"There you are. I was getting kind of worried." He says and hugs me.

"And I was worried about you." I say into his chest.

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