**Maggie's POV**
Today's the day. Magcon New Jersey! Everyone is in the car figuring out acts, talking, laughing, and just on their phone. Us girls already figured out what were doing. We finally arrive at the auditorium with a bunch of screaming fans. Once we leave the car our smiles are on and were waving. We takes a few selfies with fans and sign autographs. We head into the auditorium and set up the stage. Everything was ready. We let the fans in and let the fun begin. First we started off with intro then soon acts, laughs, and questions came.
"Alright does anyone want to say something?" Matt asked in the mic.
All the girls raised their hands as Matt picked a brunette girl with brown eyes.
"Look out!" She yelled.
As Matt turned Anne smacked him in the face with silly sting and as a finisher sprayed him too. Everyone laughed as Matt acted like a girl to get it out of his hair.
"Not cool Anne!" He said to her as he stills picks out the string.
Soon everyone calms down and we start up questions again. Soon it's mine and Shawn's duet. We start singing "Beautiful" By: Christina Aguilera.
"I am beautiful in every single way, yes words can't bring me down ohhhh." I start singing in the chorus.
Soon the lights dim and everyone uses there phone lights as candles and a single spot light shines on us. Haha no I wish that happened I was just joking. But everyone was fangirling like maniacs.
Soon the song was over and I secretly had a bottle of silly string. I faced Shawn then sprayed the string in my hand. When he thought I was gunna kiss him I slapped him in the face and sprayed him. Everyone was laughing once again. I ran off the stage as everyone was coming on.
"And finally a slow dance!" Aaron said into the mic.
Everyone looked at him like the person who does the "bruh" face. Everyone got partners and Mahogany put on the song "All of Me" By: John Legend. Most of the boys who didn't get a partner went in the crowd and got partners. Soon after probably three slow songs we ended Magcon and in another room started the meet and greet.
"You girls are to obsessed with silly string." Jacob tells us.
"No we aren't. It's was our plan it get Magcon New Jersey pumped!" Kristen says.
"Couldn't you of done it a different way?" Cam asks.
"Ask Maggie she thought of it." Isabella says putting me on the spot.
"What the hell?! You didn't have to agree with me or do it!" I shout back at her.
She rolls her eyes as goes back over to Nash. Why in hell did I even like her in the first place?
We part our ways to our different booths and Shawn was right next to me. Yayay. I know it might seem like I'm obsessing over him but no I'm protecting him. Soon fans with special passes start lining up. So far I've gotten a lot of fans that wanted to see me.
"Maggie you and Olivia and Kristen are so cool! Is it true that your dating Shawn?" a girl maybe about fifteen asks me.
Oh shit. I haven't made it official with Shawn! What do I tell her? Fuck.
"Um......well...." I start off
"Yes we are." Shawn buts in.
I look at him straight in the eye as the girl squeals.
"That's totally amazing! A spy and a vine/singer famous person are dating!" The girls says.
I give Shawn my big eyes. How in the world does this girl know I'm a spy. I haven't told anyone.
"Ha! I'm not a spy! That's funny." I say to her in denial.
"I knew it! I knew my friend was making it up! She told me when she was at the last stop for Magcon that you threw a knife and you were some how a spy." she says.
"Ha! That's a crazy story!" I say again in denial.
"Anyways could I get a picture?" She asks.
"Um sure." I say.
I take a picture with her and sign something too. She leaves with a happy grin and a squeal. After a few more people I happily answered questions and comments. Most of the girls wanted Shawn in our picture cause I guess they herd that girl and I talking.
"Oh my god." I hear a girl mumble to Shawn.
"How in the damn world do you like her?" She whispers to Shawn so only her, Shawn, and I could hear.
I glared at her but continued signing stuff.
"Excuse me. Get off of me of your gunna be rude to my girlfriend." He says to the girl as he backs off.
The girl flips Shawn off then struts out. Proves her right. I continue taking pictures with all the girls and little but some guys.
"Hey." A guy walked up to me says smoothly, "Your pretty hot for your age why don't we get out of here."
"I have a boyfriend." I say as two girls walk up to me.
"Seriously lamest trick ever." He says to me then laughs.
I finish the girls' autograph then look up at him.
"You have five seconds before something happens." I say as a get ready to take a picture.
"Ooo I'm so scared." He says chuckling at my answer.
After a few photos with the girls I tell them to wait one minute as I face the guy. I smile then grab his arm and twist it back as his back is facing my body. His breathe becomes heavy as he's trying not to scream.
"Now you can either leave like a good boy or I'll call security and you'll be arrested for hitting on a girl that's way younger. Or as a third choice I take you in myself." I mumble in his ear as my grip becomes tighter and tighter each second.
"Ah....ok! ok! I'll leave!" He girts through his teeth, "please just release my arm."
"Gladly." I say as I instantly let go and give him a glare.
He scurries out as all the girls who just saw are clapping for me. I curtsy and thank them as the line keeps going.
After about another hour were done. My hand is cramping after all the autographs I signed.
"Way to handle that guy Mags!" Carter compliments as he walks my way.
"Haha thanks." I say back and head over to the other girls.
"What the hell was that?" Isabella asks me as I get to the group.
"What?" I ask.
"When Carter complimented you! You totally blushed! Ah! You like Carter!" she squeals like that fifteen year old.
"What the fuck?!" I ask her shocked, "I do not. I mean as a friend totally but not like that! I'm dating Shawn you freak!"
After that huge deal I leave the girl group and go on to find Shawn. I don't find him but I soon catch up with everyone on what they did at the meet and greet. I guess things went smoothly.
Soon the limos come to pick us up and go back to boring hotel. I talk to people as we get into the limo and drive off.
"So I guess you won't be needing me to fight your battles." Shawn says as he takes a seat.
I start laughing along with him guessing he saw what happened. Well I mean of course he did he was right next to it.
"Haha I can handle myself as you saw today." I say looking at him.
"So I see. Anyways I have a surprise for us when we get to the hotel. Dress nicely." He whispered to my ear five minutes before we arrive at the hotel.
I smiles and nodded at him. I wonder what it is?
OMG hey guys! I know I haven't been updating that much it's because of school. Boring!! I've had soooo much homework in the past three weeks it's not even funny. As test! ugh so much studying! So I'll try to update as much as I can! Oh and thanks for 1K reads💕💕

Codename: Magcon
FanfictionWe came to solve a case. A murder case. That could change all of our lives.